A 44-year-old Japanese female with left chest pain and high fever visited her community hospital. She was initially diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and pleuritis because of her symptoms and a left pleural effusion on chest radiography. She received a course of antibiotics, and then, symptoms ...
A 44-year-old Japanese female with left chest pain and high fever visited her community hospital. She was initially diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and pleuritis because of her symptoms and a left pleural effusion on chest radiography. She received a course of antibiotics, and then, symptoms ...
A 46-year old man admitted to our hospital at 16th day since the onset of the symptoms, cough and dyspnea. Plain chest X-ray film showed a massive pleural effusion in the left pleural cavity and pleural fluid examination revealed an increased number of eosinophils that was not associated with...
Three weeks prior to the present admission, he noted an exacerbation of his arthritic symptoms simultaneously with the development of left axillary pleuritic pain. Family history was non-contributory except that patient's mother died of tuberculosis. On physical examination, a pericardial friction sound...
A chest computed tomography scan showed a mass lesion (φ40 mm) in the left lingular segment, and inflammatory markers were elevated. He was admitted with a diagnosis of lung abscess, and panipenem/betamipron was administered at a dose of 2 g/day, after which the symptoms showed ...