若由于全身或局部病变破坏了此种动态平衡,致使胸膜腔内液本形成过快或吸收过缓,临床产生胸腔积液(Pleural effusion,简称胸水),其液体可以是水、血、乳糜或脓液等。胸腔积液是临床上常见的征象,既可由胸膜疾病引起,也可由其他脏器病变产生,因此临床医生应确定其原发疾病,再行相应治疗。
认识胸腔积液(pleural effusion) 胸腔积液(pleural effusion)是以胸膜腔内病理性液体积聚为特征的一种常见临床症候。 概述 胸腔积液(pleural effusion)是以胸膜腔内病理性液体积聚为特征的一种常见临床症候。胸膜腔为脏层和壁层胸膜之间的一个潜在间隙,正常人胸膜腔内有5~15ml液体,在呼吸运动时起润滑作用,胸...
中文: 5月9日复查CT示:双侧中量胸腔积液并右侧胸膜增厚粘连;腹水;慢性胆囊炎,肝内胆管扩张原因待查;右肾上极密度较左侧为高,建议必要时增强;结合病史,考虑小肠梗阻表现。更详细... 英文: CT of May 9st showed: moderate pleural effusion on both sides with pleural thickening adhesions on the right side...
The role of detailed history, suitable clinical examination and appropriate investigations, including Computed Tomography (CT) of chest and pleural biopsy, in an experiment to approve the correct cause of pleural effusion cannot be over emphasized. We present an engaging case...
CT can alsoobserve pleural effusion. This study was to investigate the CT manifestations of AP with pleural effusion, therelationship between AP and the severity of the disease, and the relationship between AP and CT severity index(CTSI), and to analyze the anatomic basis of the diffusion ...
(CT) reflect the actual pleural fluid volume (PEvol) as measured at autopsy, to establish a formula to estimate the volume of pleural effusion (PEest), and to test the accuracy and observer reliability of PEest.132 human cadavers, with pleural effusion were divided into phase 1 (=32) and ...
Patients with definitive diagnoses of hemothorax, pleural effusion, and empyema were enrolled. We selected the 3 non-enhanced CT scan slices containing the largest amount of fluid to measure the Hounsfield unit (HU) values of the pleural fluid, and those of the aortic blood. The HU value ...
常见症状是严重胸痛、呼吸困难、咳嗽和体重下降,发热反应也很常见,胸腔积液(pleural effusion)较常见、增长速度快,血性多见,胸部疼痛更明显且不随胸腔积液量增加而减轻,积液形成主要机制包括肿瘤细胞侵犯脏层、壁层胸膜引起炎症渗出;侵犯淋巴系统导致淋巴回...
【英文名】pleuralwitheffusion 【缩写】 【别名】pleuraleffussion;胸膜渗出;胸膜渗出液 【ICD号】J94.9 【概述】 胸膜的脏层和壁层之间存有一个潜在性腔隙,称之胸膜腔。正常情况下, 胸膜腔两层胸膜间的宽度约为10~20μm,内含浆液,约为每公斤体重0.1~ ...
胸腔积液PleuralEffusion-胸膜疾病.ppt,* 胸腔穿刺注意事项 首次抽液不超过700ml 以后抽液量不超过1000ml/次 过多或过快抽液可能诱发肺水肿 肺水肿处理:吸氧、皮质激素、利尿剂、补充胶体 胸膜反应处理:停止抽液、平卧、肾上腺素皮下注射 * 五、治疗-化脓性胸膜炎 抗菌治