Pleiades, the meaning, definition, what is Pleiades, the: a group of stars in the constellation ca...: Learn more.
"visible open star cluster in the constellation Taurus," in Greek mythology they… See origin and meaning of pleiades.
Abundant crops and green pastures were attributed to these “Rainy Stars”. They were also connected with traditions of the Flood found among widely separated nations. Their name bears an etymological relationship to the Greek words:pleiôn, meaning “plenty” frompleos, ‘full or many’ from t...
But it’s hard, too. I’m sure, although unintended, I’ve posted words that result in inward sighs from others for reasons I’ll never know. Because I know that sigh well – it wells up inside of me when reading about parental pride, mostly, followed by well-meaning comments that co...
everything is false, like dust in my eyes, without you, the gold seemed to be brass, with you, the wild bush turn to green grass. Without you the nights has lost their meaning, O beloved. the night’s are plain cold, comeback ...
The meaning of the bison dream became more clear when he read Isis Unveiled Vol II by H. P. Blavatsky. In her discussion of the Biblical patriarchs being Zodiacal signs, Blavatsky says that Adam, Cain, and Abel form the first triad. Cain presides over the Taurus Bull, which belongs to...