2.1 仿真脚本(Simulation Script) 脚本概述(Script Overview) 3 雨流计数算法(Rainflow Counting Algorithm) 3.1 实施(Implementation) 3.2 寿命估算(Lifetime Estimation ) 4 仿真(Simulation) 4.1 系统启动期间的接头温度(Junction Temperatures during System Start) 4.2 结温循环(Junction Temperature Cycles) 4.3 雨流...
1.打开Matlab®,在与"standalone_from_Matlab.plecs"文件相同的文件夹中创建一个名为"simulation_script.m"的新文件。 2.在m文件编辑器中,编写以下代码: proxy = jsonrpc('http://localhost:1080', 'Timeout', 10); 这将创建一个连接超时为10秒的新JSON-RPC代理对象. 3.用以下代码加载PLECS模型: path ...
并行模拟设置的plecs(“simulate”)命令中还有一个附加参数。它是一个回调函数,在每次模拟后执行。该功能可用于将模拟数据量减少到只有几个有趣的关键数字。这在通过XML-RPC启动模拟时特别有用,因为XML-RPC不允许传输大量数据。同样的并行模拟也可以通过使用Python 3和提供的Python脚本参数_sweep_script...
各位大神,请如如何在PLECS界面中设置一个可变的变量,其在Simulation-Parameter 中的Initialization被调用 杨欣然iam 9-6 13 PLECS仿真过零点问题 醉孤客 Consecutive zero-crossings slow down the simulation because they force the solver to make excessively small time steps To turn off this message, set...
- The new solver option OutputTimes enables you to specify the time values for which you wish to retrieve output signal values when running a simulation from an Octave script or via the XML-RPC interface. 闪电小编说明: 强大的工具,可以快速产生准确而有意义的结果。PLECS 工具支持自上而下的方法,...
C-scriptPLECS standalone is a efficient simulation platform in electrical engineering application, especially good for Power Electronics. It could meet both hardware and software developer's requirement in power electronics development This paper will implement the three phase inverter with two different ...
下图为仿真波形:附件为仿真文件,下载后运行即可出和截图一模一样的波形。Bridgeless PFC, Dual Boost....
https://www.plexim.com/support/videos/simulation-scripting-standalone When the script runs to plecs(‘simulate’, varStructure); i get the following error: USAGE: PLECS(‘CMD’,‘PARAMETER1’,‘PARAMETER2’,…) Known commands are: get, set, version, hostid, export, thermal, scope, checkou...
How to run script file in PLECS without using MATLAB? script , code , coding-in-plecs 1 1414 August 14, 2019 Call a PLECS simulation script in MATLAB plecs , matlab 1 189 August 14, 2024 Is it possible to realize artificial neural network in PLECS? plecs 1 530 September 2, ...
State machine, C-Script and the DLL block Simulation scripting Exercise: Building a modulator using the state machine block 16:00 End of Day Documentation & spoken language: English The seminar is free of charge. Please bring a laptop. City: Freiburg Country: Germany Date: 星期五, 三月 ...