错误: Please specify commit message 解决方法:在commit message中填写内容, 比如说: 这是我第一次提交 当添加了提交信息之后, 那么就可以正确提交了, 不知道是github为何强制设置了必须填写提交信息这样的设定. 当提交成功之后, idea里面的工程文件都从绿色变成了白色, 这个时候就提交成功啦, github服务器端就保存...
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Please specify commit message Browse files 5.28 … 4.2 Bkm016 committed Jun 24, 2018 1 parent 7266217 commit 95c843b Showing 7 changed files with 142 additions and 60 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified src/main/java com/ilummc/tlib TLib.java inject TPluginManager.java...
当前标签:Please specify commit message 昵称:何茫然zju 园龄:6年6个月 粉丝:5 关注:0
<plugin> <groupId>pl.project13.maven</groupId> <artifactId>git-commit-id-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2.2</version> <!-- optional to change the phases of the individual mojo's --> <executions> <execution> <id>get-the-git-infos</id> <goals> <goal>revision</goal> </goals> </...
Git Commit Message 规范 2019-10-31 14:45 −今天来说说团队开发中,对于 Git commit message 规范问题。 社区上有各种 Commit message 的规范,本文介绍 Angular 规范,目前使用较广,比较合理和系统化,并且有配套的工具。 1. 规范 Commit Msg 的作用 1) 提供更多的历史信息,方便快速浏览 例如,... ...
{"scripts": {"commitmsg":"commitplease", },"commitplease": {"nohook":true,"style":"angular","types": ["build","chore","ci","docs","feat","fix","perf","refactor","style","test"] }, } When I commit something with this setup, I get this error: ...