pack-objects.c pack-objects: free packing_data in more places Dec 15, 2023 pack-objects.h config: make delta_base_cache_limit a non-global variable Dec 4, 2024 pack-revindex.c midx: pass down hash_algo to functions using global variables Dec 4, 2024 ...
Even if we are getting NA/NA in search result, if you select and post it in the Teams, you will be able to see the actual results. You may need to update the logic and map the data if we will be able to get those values: "previewCardTemplate": { "title...
CJSON is a data file format(inspired from JSON), but supports logical expressions too. Having extended language support to NodeJS, Python, Java and DotNet, users has experienced data reusability. For features and examples, please refer to this documentat
The JSON format: Data formats and file types:
Simple JSON parser which I can include in my code size_t: redefinition; different basic types sleep less than a milisecond? sleep(int) Small string optimization buffer size in Visual Studio 2015 sockaddr.sa_data[14] socket error : Debug Assertion Failed ! -- f:\dd\vctools\vc7libs\ship...
node-workspace: add root package-lock.json (#2162) (8728d4a) 16.6.0 (2023-12-28)Featuresnode-workspace: use configured strategies to build new dependent version bumps (#2112) (de4088b)16.5.1 (2023-12-18)Bug Fixesdeps: update dependency @google-automations/git-file-utils to v2 (#2081)...
(s) and then press return key to complete a search."},"defaults":{"config":{"applicablePages":[],"dynamicByCoreNode":null,"description":null,"fetchedContent":null,"__typename":"ComponentConfiguration"},"props":[{"id":"max_items","dataType":"NUMBER","list":false,"...
Return to Top What's New in Host On-Demand Version 14.0Performance Improvement When connecting to hosts using a secure connection, IBM Host On-Demand uses JSSE APIs to find connections that have data to be read from. Due to a limitation in the current JSSE implementation, Host On-Demand ...
应用需要申请system_basic和system_core等级的权限时,如何配置UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json文件 数据安全存储(Data Prevention) 配置好权限后,APP安装失败 在系统设置修改了应用权限,应用能否监听到权限变化 应用申请LOCATION位置信息权限为什么没有弹窗 向用户申请授予权限但被用户拒绝后,如何处理才能避免应用...
return ret def process_data(d): r = struct.unpack('<HHxxBB', d[2:]) pm25 = r[0]/10.0 pm10 = r[1]/10.0 checksum = sum(ord(v) for v in d[2:8])%256 return [pm25, pm10] #print("PM 2.5: {} μg/m^3 PM 10: {} μg/m^3 CRC={}".format(pm25, pm10, "OK" i...