I think people are overthinking Dragon Ball Z, I always took it as dumb fun which tries to offer a series of awesome moments. It's like the show is a series of iconic memes strung together which meant to make you look at them to say that's so cool rather than a re-telling of Jou...
♫Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head♫ I woke up this morning feeling a bit grumpy. I suspect it was related some bad feelings I experienced just before I fell asleep last night. Anywhere on social media there are always these images and memes reminding you that “No can make you feel...
After the medical student wrote her tweet and after a number of media outlets picked up on it, the Wake Forest University School of Medicine announced it would be addressing the issue with the student (who had deleted the tweet), writing, “This student’s tweet does not reflect how Wake ...
Despite the multiple sub plots and characters I was able to keep track of them all. Cronin is a superb storyteller and his story held my interest all the way to its end. He made an excellent case for the nationalisation of the coal mines, as he did for the creation of the National ...
To start off with, I really have enjoyed the game for the past long while since I came back to it (a bit before the xpac dropped, and consistently since). This is not a general complaint about the quality of quantity of gameplay, the story, or anything l
Check this out I also have some Centroid and HLD problems I can’t solve, wanna try? :) I don’t have a standard. If I am not interested, or I simply think I have done all I can, or I think it’s better to learn how do this, et cetera, then I see solution. If I didn’...
. In some way I find this idea good for a memes, but not very good for playing, at least not in long term. I hope Klei will have some good ideas to make Webber good in long worlds (because this is what we need), late game and add more ambience to spiders ...
Right. As a retired creator of some viral memes, I absolutely understand what it feels like. It’s a compliment. You have to take it that way. But it’s also maddening, because you’re like “Just cite your source, dude. Come on.” But it is the sincerest form, as they say, of...