I think people are overthinking Dragon Ball Z, I always took it as dumb fun which tries to offer a series of awesome moments. It's like the show is a series of iconic memes strung together which meant to make you look at them to say that's so cool rather than a re-telling of Jou...
♫Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head♫ I woke up this morning feeling a bit grumpy. I suspect it was related some bad feelings I experienced just before I fell asleep last night. Anywhere on social media there are always these images and memes reminding you that “No can make you feel...
. In some way I find this idea good for a memes, but not very good for playing, at least not in long term. I hope Klei will have some good ideas to make Webber good in long worlds (because this is what we need), late game and add more ambience to spiders ...
Even if CF was their first exposure to CP, I will bet that they had years of some form of "unusual" (programming, math, logic) training prior to CP. How often were you stuck and how much time did you give to some problem before looking up the editorial? Check this out I also have...
Hell, keep the happy clouds and rainbows and whatnot. Those are aesthetically appropriate, even in those cases, and appropriate to an 8-bit-esque experience. You don't need to change really anything other than the names of things that literally imply that people playing this mode are babies...