虚拟机中安装linux时出现please insert centos disc 1 to continue是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、在安装向导界面点击下一步按钮。2、在这一步中,勾线下列选项,点击下一步。3、安装路径默认安装在C盘上,不过最好不要这样,点击下一步。4、以此下去,根据自己的设置,点击安装,就会看到这个界面,...
解决了就好。 回复 2018-01-22 22:32:46 Geely 回复 提问者 大官__人 #3 解决了就好 最近单位特别忙,下班也比较晚…到家都半夜了...回复晚了,还请同学能理解并海涵呀,理解万岁~~ 回复 2018-01-26 00:25:41 相似问题老师,安装centOS后这样。该怎么解决? 862 0 6 安装增强功能失败 820 2 4 ...
The centos disc was not found in any of your drives.Please insert the centos disc and press OK to retry 出现上面情况解决办法见下图选择skip... Kaggle在验证邮箱时出现:You did not enter the correct captcha response. Please try again 当注册Kaggle时,我们会发现,虽然Kaggle会给我们的注册邮箱发送验证...
I took a snapshot of the server whilst it was booted in safemode (just so I could return to that point if I made the problem worse!) and then I checked out the device manager and showed hidden devices. I then removed all greyed out devices that I could just in case anything in ...
Please reconnect the child to the parent. 發行項 2013/06/03 Question Monday, June 3, 2013 6:07 PM | 1 vote Hi guys, a colleague of mine is getting this error: The differencing virtual hard disk chain is broken. Please reconnect the child to the parent. He is using Hyper-V server...