aPlease enter your sequence in FASTA format (first line starting with > and the title reference, followed by multiple lines of single letter amino acid sequence (NO ALIGNMENTS OR DNA PLEASE!!)) 不要请输入您的序列在FASTA格式 (最重要开始时>和书名参照,请跟随由唯一信件氨基酸序列多条线路 (对准线...
The graph file for each amplicon consists of 2 sections: (i) Sequence edges and (ii) Breakpoint edges. The first line in each section starts with a header for the section. The rest of the lines start with a keyword corresponding to the edge category followed by the edge coordinates, copy...
For fusion transcripts, you must use the--is_fusionoption forsqanti_qc2.pyto work properly. Furthermore, the IDs in the input FASTA/FASTQmusthave the formatPBfusion.X, as is output byfusion_finder.pyin Cupcake. SQANTI2 Classification Output ...
To generate a Debian package forracon, run the following command from the build folder - Usage Usage ofraconis as following: racon [options ...] <sequences> <overlaps> <target sequences> # default output is stdout <sequences> input file in FASTA/FASTQ format (can be compressed with gzip...
(e.g. Alu, LINE etc.) and the corresponding BED file of locations where these are in the reference genome (-refTEs parameter). Alternatively, you can provide a tab delimited file specifying a set of viral/TE types and the corresponding fasta file with a set of consensus sequences for ...
It is called "input directory" -- what should that input be? Sequences? Databases? etc Also, where will the output be stored? Ideally, example data should be bundled with the docker image so that the user doesn't need to download extra data (maybe someone wants to try your software but...
a Unix system (including Cygwin on Windows), a C compiler, and Perl Step 1: Set your site-specific variables by editing the file config.site. In particular, you should set appropriate values for "prefix" and probably for "with_gmapdb", as explained in that file. If you are compiling ...
(e.g. Alu, LINE etc.) and the corresponding BED file of locations where these are in the reference genome (-refTEs parameter). Alternatively, you can provide a tab delimited file specifying a set of viral/TE types and the corresponding fasta file with a set of consensus sequences for ...
Furthermore, the IDs in the input FASTA/FASTQ must have the format PBfusion.X, as is output by fusion_finder.py in Cupcake.SQANTI2 Classification OutputYou can look at the example subfolder for a sample output. The PDF file shows all the figures drawn using R script SQANTI_report2.R, ...