The Please Wait screen is not a Duo screen and unrelated to Duo Authentication. The Duo integration uses Microsoft credential providers to require 2FA after primary authentication has succeeded. These are Microsoft credential providers and speak to the windows logon process t...
Does the code return an error message if you run it (with F5)? If there isn't an error message then the code runs until the end. Do you run the macro when the main sheet is selected and did you enter "DNO" in any cells in column AY? If so the respective rows should be copied...
If I now switch to IE7 I find myself 'trying' the to do the same but I then have to move over to the tab to close it.If people have to learn new habits all over it's going to be harder to convert them I would think.Just my 2 cents.Shane /
1 Public Function GetStudent(ByVal Id As Integer) As Data.DataTable 2 Dim myCS As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("URAPConnectionString").ToString 3 Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection 4 myConn.ConnectionString = myCS 5 Dim myCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand 6 m...
Back late January of 2012, I had a strong suspicion I was going to engineer my layoff in the coming months. I had worked at my company for 11 years and I was looking forward to doing something on my own. As a result, I knew I had to do as much as possible to lower my expenses...
I'm constructing a website with a layout created with div-tags. They have a fixed width, float left, and display inline. When one of the div's contain a select-element the right-most div floats down for no apparent reason, but when the select-elements are gone they all align as expe...
Hi, I really need help setting up or choosing the correct formula for the set of data I am trying to use. I have a list of colors on 1 excel sheet, each with...