Git 切换分支的时候遇到提示:Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. 意思是切换分支之前需要先提交当前的更改;但是我又不想把修改提交到当前分支,应该怎么办?这时就可以用 Git 的贮藏(git stash)功能。 在SourseTree 里面,点击最上方的按钮就能用贮藏功能保存代码了。 Stash 切换分支...
@文心快码git please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches. 文心快码 当你尝试在Git中切换分支时,Git会检查你的工作区是否有未提交的更改。如果存在未提交的更改,Git会阻止你切换分支,以避免潜在的冲突或数据丢失。Git会提示你提交这些更改、暂存它们,或者放弃更改后再进行分支切换。下面是...
you are not allowed to push code to protected branches on this project 重新按照这个流程,本地新建文件夹,重新操作。 操作结果同上图1-1所示,失败了。 分析: 1.gitclone下来没有问题,commit本地仓库没有问题,就是推不上去,初步怀疑这个项目的配置有问题(读写权限不一致)。 2.委托H同学询问其他同事能不能c...
当在dev分支做了修改,而且dev分支与master分支的commit历史不一致,想切回master分支时就会有Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.提示,翻译过来的意思是“在你切换分支之前请先提交你的修改或者暂存他们”。 因此想要切换分支就需要用到git commit命令或者git stash命令。 2.1、不应用...
参考的网站: 解决方法: 1,git commit -m "My message" 2,git stash 3,git stash pop 4,using git reset --hard....
Please commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.,当正在dev分支上开发某个项目,这时项目中出现一个bug,需要紧急修复,但是正在开发的内容只是完成一半,还不
Before you can merge changes from one branch into another, you need to ensure that your working directory is clean. You can do this in two ways: Committing Changes: If the changes you've made are finished and ready to be added to the project's history, you can commit them with ...
1 git clean n//这个是清除文件预览 git clean-f//强制清除文件 2 git clean-f//强制清除文件 3 git checkout-f <branch> //不建议使用 容易丢失文件
Ah2 Music creates and licenses award winning music for television, film, advertising, video games, and digital media.
Commit your changes Send a pull request After you have signed once, you don't have to sign future pull requests. We can merge by checking to see your name is in the contributors file. All code contributions should contain the following: ...