Intel Management Engine Interface Tool: Please check MEI Driver is installed. 13,419 Views Super_Gnome Level 11 12-29-2023 12:11 AM I have a Rampage VI Extreme Omega motherboard. A few months ago my computer was running awfully slowly and I did not know why. The...
"MEI Driver"(Management Engine Interface Driver)是Intel平台上的一个关键组件,用于与Intel Management Engine(ME)进行通信。Intel Management Engine是一个独立的处理器内嵌于Intel芯片组中,负责处理底层系统管理任务,如固件更新、安全特性、电源管理等。MEI Driver是使操作系统能够与ME进行交互的桥梁。 2. 检查操作系...
解决安装问题了。执行@woodyjay333 大佬说的Me文件出现Please check MEI Driver is installed的,需要在官网更新两个驱动,一个是一个是Intel Management Engine Interface V2145.1.42.0。一个是Intel(R) Serial IO V30.100.2131.26) 来自iPhone客户端15楼2022-10-22 01:50 收起回复 凉...
关于解决please..不必更新驱动,禁用检测第一步,下载vjoy虚拟手柄,下载链接如下 提取码:ggtk第二步,打开安装程序后,全程点击next,安装成功在任务栏托盘中打开程序
please update your intel driver(请更新您的英特尔驱动) 5楼2015-10-10 23:08 回复 直男 起源LV10 10 切独显,另外,你点确定好像可以强行进去的小尾巴是什么?能舔吗,能咬吗,能含吗~ --来自白金镶钻骚气粉贴吧客户端 来自Android客户端6楼2015-10-10 23:26 回复 ...
When I try to play certain games like Hogwarts Legacy or the Witcher 3 a message pops up which states my intel driver version is old and that I need to renew it. I have done that several times and I'm pretty sure i have the newest version. After that, ...
极品飞车19,上面显示please update your intel driver,可以直接强行进游戏吗?回答是可以。不过建议更新驱动,提高性能。
您好,开机时,系统检测到:1)USB Devices total: 0 drive, 3 Keyboards, 1 Mouse, 0 Hub 接到 USB 接口的外置设备检测到 0 个外置硬盘/U盘,3个键盘,1个滑鼠,0个集线器 2)Detected Devices ...SATA6G_1: WDC WD20E2AZ-00GGJBO M.2_1:Intel SSDPEKKW256GB 检测到两个硬盘:主...
Downloaded and tried to open the "MSI gaming app". When it opens it stops and gives me an error that says "Please install or update Intel ME driver version".. Did a little research and found out that intel ME is some managment system thats always running