This open source emoji is named "pleading face" and is licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It's a colored emoji.
With its round face, sparkling puppy-dog eyes, and an expression that suggests a plea or longing, it's an emoji that has been very popular since its release. Its eyes, which are the most distinctive feature, are wide open and glossy, giving it a pleading look. Some versions also have ...
As its name suggests, the Pleading Face emoji is often used when a person is begging or pleading for something, such as asking for forgiveness or a favor. This versatile emoji is also used to convey a range of other emotions, such as showing remorse, affection, hurt, fear—or sometimes ...
🥺 Meaning - Pleading Face Emoji ✅ Copy & Paste easily ✅ Unicode & Hex NCRs ✅ Updated in 2025!
公众号EMOJIALL QQ群774842773 知乎 微博
The pleading face emoji 🥺 features large, wide-open eyes with a slight frown, often associated with looking sad or longing. It is often used to 😊 Smileys & Emotion pleading face 🥺The Pleading Eyes emoji depicts a yellow face with tears in its eyes, a pair of raised brows, and a small frown. The eyes and mouth are so powerful in this sad face emoji, some users like to call the symbol puppy emojis, or ...
emojiunicode意思 🥺 1F97A 恳求的脸类似的符号 😓 汗 😕 困扰 😖 困惑 😞 失望 😟 担心 😢 哭 😣 痛苦 😥 失望但如释重负 😦 啊 😧 极度痛苦 😨 害怕 😩 累死了 😫 累 😭 放声大哭 😮 吃惊 😯 缄默 😰 冷汗 😱 吓死了 😲 震惊 😳 脸红 🙁 微微不满 🥱...
155 Pleading Clip Art High Res Illustrations - Getty Images Pleading Emoticon | Free Images at - vector clip art ... Pleading Face Animated Emoji Alpha Channel Cartoon Orange Tabby Cat Pleading Something, Vector Illustration ...Other...
, I really hate that there isn't a cross emoji...”✞✟ 08 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote 2. brookiiie_23 @brookiiie_23 Be with someone who brings out the best in you, not the stress in you. 14 Jan 13 copy & paste +upvote -downvote ...