To access the adminpldt account, you need to use the correct URL/IP address, account name, and password. Get the ➔latest Huawei adminpldtfirst before proceeding below. ① I presumed that you already have your needed credentials. Open a ➔browser, in the address bar, type ➔https://...
First, log on to the modem/router’s admin page by typing it’s IP address: into the browser address bar. You will be prompted for admin username and password. The default username for PLDT Home DSL modem is admin, while the default password is 1234. Router IP address: 192....
<Quidway>system-view [Quidway] sysname Server [Server] interface ethernet 0/0/0 //框式和盒式的管理口是不一样的哦,框式和盒式的分别是: Ethernet 0/0/0、MEth 0/0/1。有些盒式设备没有管理口,可使用VLANIF接口配置管理IP地址。 [Server-Ethernet0/0/0] ip address 24 [Server-Etherne...
[Quidway-Vlanif131] ip address (缩写:ip add IP MASK) [Quidway-Vlanif131] shutdown [Quidway-Vlanif131] undo shutdown #删除VLAN 1、如果配置VLAN的管理IP,在系统视图下,使用undo int vlan 10命令删除VLAN 10的3层虚拟接口,这样VLAN 10就被删除了,但是划入VLAN 10的那些端...
local-user admin password cipher .]@USE=B,53Q=^Q`MAF4<1!! service-type telnet terminal level 3 service-type ftp # interface Aux0 async mode flow link-protocol ppp # interface Ethernet0/0 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Ethernet1/0 ip address dhcp-alloc # interface Ethernet1/1 ip ...
set authentication password cipher Admin@123 user-interface vty 0 4 protocol inbound telnet authentication-mode aaa user-interface vty 16 20 2创建VLAN 为交换机划分VLAN1001,VLAN1002, 设置vlan1001,接口IP地址为172.16.1.254(即网关地址),子网掩码为255.255.255.0 ...
ip address *.*.*.* description For Management 配置验证: disp inter loopback 0 //查看运行情况 dis current-configuration interface LoopBack 0 //查看配置情况 配置注意细节: 无 2.1. GE端口配置 2.1.1. GE用做上连接口 配置说明: 配置GE端口用做上连接口。 规范要求: 配置GE端口speed...
2.2 防火墙对外IP设置35 2.3 SNMP设置36 2.4 防火墙参数设置36 2.5 设置集群地址38 2.6 插件模块信息39 2.7 系统日志设置40 3. DOS攻击防护41 3.1接收包流量限制41 3.2屏蔽指定服务器43 4.漏洞攻击防护43 4.1漏洞特征组设置44 4.2全局漏洞攻击防护规则44 ...
3. 配置内外网卡的IP地址(ip address) Pix525(config)#ip address outside Pix525(config)#ip address inside 很明显,Pix525防火墙在外网的ip地址是61.144.51.42,内网ip地址是192.168.0.1 例1. Pix525(config)#conduit permit tcp host eq ...
[H3C-luser-admin]level 3用户级别3级别最高0最低 第二部建立VLAN给vlan配置固定IP地址,这个地址一般好记比如192.168.1.99 [h3c] vlan 1建立vlan 1 [h3c] interface vlan-interface 1进入管理Vlan 1界面 [h3c-vlan-interface1]ip address给vlan1划分ip地址和掩码 ...