Remote I/O for Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) GP Series 立即购买 → Graphic Panels for PLCs HMi04BU 立即购买 → HMi Operator Interface ELCSOFT and ELCSOFTGP 立即购买 → ELC Programming Software SCE-ELJ Series Enviroline® Junction Enclosures 立即购买 → NEMA Type 4...
01 工控系统的核心PLC 可编程逻辑控制器,英文称Programmable Logic Controllers,简称PLC(本文在后续一律简称PLC)是带有模块化组件的小型工业计算机,旨在自动化定制控制过程。我理解的控制过程就是通过程序对物理设备进行控制的过程,而这个程序就是通过逻辑表达的形式实现的(梯形图或其他PLC编程语言)。在PLC内部,将真实物理...
2001年ARC咨询公司的CraigResnick提出了PAC(Programmable Automation Controllers,可编程自动化控制器)的概念,标志着工业控制器的发展进入了一个新时代:由最初的功能单一的Logic控制器进化到了满足自动化多种应用的Automation控制器(这个变化不是一夜之间发生的,是一个渐进的过程,PAC称呼的出现只是给这类控制器赋予了一个...
Programmable controller is user-oriented industries dedicated control computer, with many distinctive features. ①high reliability, anti-interference capability; ②programming visual, simple; ③ adaptability good; ④ functional improvements, strong functional interface. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), a ...
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), a computing device invented by Richard E. Morley in 1968, have been widely used in industry including manufacturing systems, transportation systems, chemical process facilities, and many others. At that time, the PLC replaced the hardwired logic with soft-wired...
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are the key application enabling factories to operate in an automated way. PLC is typically built up as a modular system consisting of several blocks, such as control unit (often called central processing unit, CPU)
a 早期的可编程控制器称作可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,PLC),它主要用来代替继电器实现逻辑控制。随着技术的发展,这种采用微型计算机技术的工业控制装置的功能已经大大超过了逻辑控制的范围,因此,今天这种装置称作可编程控制器,简称PC。但是为了避免与个人计算机(Personal Computer)的简称混淆,所以将可编程...
ControllersProgrammable logic devicesProcesscontrolMachineryA programmable logic controller (PLC) is an industrial computer with built-inconnections for electrical equipment. Programmable controllers and industrial PCs form the controls for most new manufacturing equipment. These controllers execute the logic ...
Programmable Logic Controllers Programmable logic controller (plc)is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored program. The PLC sends output control signals and receives input signals through input/output (I/O) devices. A PLC controls outputs in...
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)