sundar-ds changed the title [BUG] [BUG] - Playwright doesn't wait for the page to be fully loaded Oct 12, 2023 Member mxschmitt commented Oct 13, 2023 It's technically not possible to wait until a page is fully loaded, we wait until the load event got dispatched, but pages might...
A: There is no such thing as a page ready in general terms. We encourage you to keep things visual, you say'text=Submit') and you don’t really need to wait for page to be ready, all you need to wait for is an interactable ‘Submit’ button. That makes the life of...
from hamcrest import * assert_that(page.title(), equal_to("百度一下,你就知道")) playwright Robot Framework库 如果你使用robot framework来管理和编写测试用例,可以使用robotframework-browser测试库。 browser测试库的github地址, 安装方法参考README.md文档。 关键字使用说明文档:market...
playwright screenshot --device="iPhone 12 Pro"-b wk baidu-iphone.png# 截取显示的页面playwright screenshot --full-page --device="iPhone 12 Pro"-b wk baidu-iphone-full-page.png# 截取当前全部页面 同步和异步API Playwright支持同步和异步两种API,...
it waits for the page to fire theloadevent. Selenium WebDriver does not automatically wait for any event, which frequently leads to race conditions that cause flaky tests. In Playwright, you can also wait for other page events like this: ...
Playwright useslocators, which have built-in auto-waiting and retry logic, to select elements on a web page. The auto-waiting logic simplifies your web scraping code because you don’t have to wait for a web page to load manually.
delta_y float: Pixels to scroll vertically Keyboard API press() method The keyboard class provides an API for managing a virtual keyboard. Using this API’s press() method and supplying the arguments PageDown, PageUp, ArrowUp, ArrowDown, ArrowLeft, or ArrowRight, we can simulate scrolling ...
multiple browsers are launched. It allows the script to automate Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit. Then, a new browser page is opened. Afterward, thepage.goto()function navigates to the Amazon web page. After that, there’s a wait of 1 second to show the page to the end user. Finally, ...
The third step is, “Then the reminders page is displayed.” These lines perform assertions, but they need to wait for the reminders page to load before they can check any elements. The WebDriverWait object enables explicit waiting. With Selenium WebDriver, we need to handle waiting by ourselv...
While Playwright is fully flexible in allowing us to build our custom locators using page.locator() the built-in locators are recommended and serve most use cases. Key features of Playwright locators: Built-in support for auto-wait and retry, helping write resilient and non-flaky tests. ...