Page 提供了与浏览器中的单个选项卡或Chromium 中的扩展后台页面进行交互的方法。一个浏览器实例可能有多个页面实例。class: Pagesince: v1.8 extends: [EventEmitter] Page provides methods to interact with a single tab in a [Browser], or an extension background page in Chromium. One [Browser] instance..."button") # or while waiting for an event. page.wait_for_event("popup") except Error as e: # when the page crashes, exception message contains "crash".Copy page.on("dialog")# type: <Dialog> Emitted when a JavaScript dialog appears, such as alert, prompt, confirm or befor...
Since one of the goals of Playwright is automation, we can easily add pagination scraping to our code with just one additional cycle. Using the DevTools, we'll need to search for the ID of the next link and then insert this value into thepage.locatorfunction. Thepage.locator()method will...
We’ve already seen how to go to a page. Once it finishes loading, it is ready to perform actions or assertions. page.goto("http://localhost") page.get_by_text("Contact").click() Assertions Assertions allow us to check whether the expected behavior of our application is met. Lots ...
If no elements match the selector, the return value resolves to null. To wait for an element on the page, use page.waitForSelector(selector[, options]). Shortcut for main frame's frame.$(selector[, options]). page.$$(selector)#...
def wait_for_app_run(page: Page, wait_delay: int = 100): def wait_for_app_run( page_or_locator: Page | Locator | FrameLocator, wait_delay: int = 100 ): """Wait for the given page to finish running.""" # Add a little timeout to wait for eventual debounce timeouts used in ...
). Optionally allows to wait for ongoing routes to finish, or ignore any errors from them. - New method [browserContext.unrouteAll(\[options\])]( removes all routes registered by [browserContext.route(url, ...
I want to wait (dynamically) until the element change the state. When searching for existence or absence of an element in a table for example, tables and column exist even before the search, so Playwright doesn't wait until the table finish loading with search result. I have many example...
networkidle- wait until there are no network connections for at least 500 ms. This is a useful event to hook into for SPAs which load data after they have their initial render. However, it may either be too early or too late for page interaction. ...