browser: Playwright 启动的浏览器实例。 browser_name:浏览器名称作为字符串。 browser_channel: 浏览器频道作为字符串。 is_chromium,is_webkit,is_firefox: 相应浏览器类型的布尔值。 Customizing fixture options自定义夹具选项:对于browser和context夹具,使用以下夹具来定义自定义启动选项。 browser_type_launch_args:...
skipped_values.remove(only_marker.args[0])# Denylistskip_marker=item.get_closest_marker(f"skip_{value_name}")ifskip_marker:skipped_values.append(skip_marker.args[0])returnskipped_valuesdefpytest_runtest_setup(item:Any)->None:ifnothasattr(item,"callspec"):returnbrowser_name=item.callspec.par...
"markers", "skip_browser(name): mark test to be skipped a specific browser" ) config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "only_browser(name): mark test to run only on a specific browser" ) # Making test result information available in plugins #
from playwright.sync_apiimportsync_playwrightwithsync_playwright()asp:browser=p.chromium.launch(headless=False,slow_mo=1000)context=browser.new_context()# 创建上下文,浏览器实例 page=context.new_page()# 打开标签页 page.goto("")print(page.title())# Get page after a spe...
//关闭browserbrowser.close(); } } } 3.3运行代码 1.运行代码,右键Run'Test',就可以看到控制台输出,如下图所示: 2.运行代码后电脑端的浏览器的动作。如下图所示: 如果触发新页面的操作未知,可以使用以下模式。 // Get all new pages (including popups) in the context ...
Now because these browser contexts are isolated and concurrent and you can actually run parallel tests with a single instance of WebKit across multiple contexts. Join The Guild Playwright Tutorial On How To Browser Viewports Every context can have a specific browser viewport. ...
OS X:Mojave,Catalina,Big Sur,MontereyandVenturaOperating system version where you want to run your test on browserFor branded browsers, use:chromeoredge. Thebrowser_versioncapability is applicable only when using a branded browser. For Playwright’s bundled browsers, use:playwright-chromium,playwright...
(); const download = await downloadPromise; // FAILS: download.path() fails when connecting to a remote browser // const result = fs.readFileSync(await download.path(), 'utf-8'); // FIX: use saveAs() to download the file, when connecting to a remote browser await download.saveAs(...
Step 2:Go inside the directory playwright-test using cd playwright-test Step 3:Install the dependencies using npm install Step 4:Put in your credentials in the filefixtures.jsin the caps part. Step 5:To run your tests on BrowserStack, you must ensure you correctly configured the projects in...
browser.close() 2.3运行代码 1.运行代码,右键Run'Test',控制台输出,如下图所示: 2.运行代码后电脑端的浏览器的动作,可以看到查询“北京宏哥”后,刷新页面执行回退到百度首页,然后有执行前进进入到搜索“北京宏哥”页面。如下图所示: 3.多标签页 每个浏览器上下文可以承载多个页面(选项卡)。