Usage: index codegen [options] [url] open page and generate code for user actions Options: #生成自动化脚本路径 -o, --output <file name> saves the generated script to a file # –target 脚本语言,包含 JS 和 Python,分别对应值为:python 和 javascript --target <language> language to use, on...
还可以在菜单栏的 View->Enter Full Screen 启动全屏视角 对任意代码片段进行折叠:菜单栏Code->Folding->Fold Selection/Remove region 3. 配置autopep8教程,让Python代码更符合pep8规范 Ctrl + Alt + L 代码格式化Pycharm配置autopep8教程,让Python代码更符合pep8规范autopep8中的一些参数解释 4. 编码方式设定及...
python -m playwright codegen --helpUsage: playwright codegen [options] [url]open page and generate code for user actionsOptions: -o, --output <file name> saves the generated script to a file --target <language> language to generate, one of javascript, playwright-test, python, python-async,...
Playwright 库可以用作通用的浏览器自动化工具,为同步和异步 Python 提供了一套强大的 API 来自动化 Web 应用程序。 本介绍描述了 Playwright Pytest 插件,这是编写端到端测试的推荐方式。 你将学到 如何安装 Playwright Pytest 如何运行示例测试 安装Playwright Pytest Playwright 建议使用官方的 Playwright Pytest 插件...
pytest --numprocesses auto 1. (这假定pytest-xdist已安装。有关更多信息,请参见官方文档。) 1.3.1 Running Tests 运行测试 由于Playwright 在 Python 中运行,您可以使用您选择的调试器进行调试,例如 Visual Studio Code 中的[Python 扩展]。Playwright 附带了 Playwright Inspector,它允许您单步执行 Playwright API...
Best Python code snippet using playwright-python Source: ...54 self.get_sub_category_from_web(category)55 def get_category_from_web(self):56 category_name = []57 section_class_category = 'section[class^=st...
playwright 的 page.pause() 断点功能出现,让打开可以愉快的在页面上调试了,我们甚至可以 直接使用 playwright.$(selector) 直接支持playwright选择器的方法查询。 例如: playwright.$('#username')通过id定位 playwright.$('text=用户名'),文本模糊查询
1. 环境说明 操作系统:macOS 11.7 Python:3.10.6 2. 安装 2.1. 创建测试环境 mkdir playwright-demo cd playwright-demo/ python3 -m venv venv # 安装 Pytest 插件 venv/bin/pip3 in
README Code of conduct Apache-2.0 license Security 🎭 Playwright for Python Docs | API reference Playwright is a Python library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable and fast...
它支持 Chromium、Firefox 和 WebKit,可以在这些浏览器中执行自动化测试、爬虫、性能测试等任务。Playwright 还提供了一些方便的 API,如截图、录制视频、模拟用户输入等。同时,Playwright 还支持多种语言,如 JavaScript、TypeScript、Python、Java 和 C# 等。”...