input.send_keys('Python') input.send_keys(Keys.ENTER) wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 10) wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID,'content_left'))) print(browser.current_url) print(browser.get_cookies()) print(browser.page_source) finally: browser.close() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6...
driver.get('') # 打开百度 driver.execute_script('"")') # 打开豆瓣 # driver.close() # 关闭的是百度 # driver.quit() # 2个都关闭了 driver.find_element_by_id('kw').send_keys('python') # 操作的是百度 print(driver.current_...
调用:`navigate_browser` 参数为`{'url': ''}` 导航到 返回状态码为200 调用:`current_webpage` 参数为没有参数
playwright install 2. 获取并预处理验证码图像 接下来,编写Python代码,下载验证码的背景图和滑块图,并对图像进行预处理。 python import cv2 import numpy as np import requests from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO def get_images(bg_url, slider_url): bg_response = requests.get(bg_url) slid...
Python Playwright get title In the first example, we get the title of a web page. #!/usr/bin/python from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright with sync_playwright() as playwright: webkit = playwright.webkit browser = webkit.launch() page = browser.new_page() url = 'http...
通过page.content() 获取到html,然后用常规的html解析就可以, 这里可以扔给大模型写解析代码,prompt是python playwright 将页面中这样的多个卡片解析出来,包含标题,图片,url,like数量, html是...` Copy # 解析carddefparse_cards(html): cards = []
pip3 configsetglobal.index-url 下载基础软件工具 接着,我们执行pip3 install playwright就能够完成 playwright Python 版基础程序的安装了啦: 代码语言:shell 复制 ... Lookinginindexes: ...
param url: request url12:param callback: callback13:param wait_until: one of "load", "domcontentloaded", "networkidle".14see, default is `domcontentloaded`15:param wait_for: wait for some element to load, also ...
Now that you have the current product element, you can extract the required data (URL, image, name, price) as below: const urlElement = await productLocator.locator( '[data-testid="product-link"]' ); const url = await urlElement.getAttribute("href"); ...
I'm trying to get the the URL using page.url() after I'm redirected after login. The redirected URL has the user code I need but due to the callback URL being localhost:3000/** when I console.log page.url I'm getting chrome-error://chromewebdata/. The steps: test.only('Getting...