Insomniac Games全員都非常高興能在此宣布,《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》將於2023年10月20日星期五在PlayStation 5上獨家推出。在2018年的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》和2020年的《Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales》受到粉絲們熱烈迴響後,開發團隊在過去幾年持續不懈地努力,希望將這個系列的第三部作品打造成滿足大...
《Marvel's Spider-Man 2》是什麼遊戲? BE GREATER.TOGETHER. 備受好評的《Marvel's Spider-Man》系列又一力作,彼得·派克和麥爾斯·摩拉斯再度回歸,展開精彩絕倫的新冒險。 擺盪、跳躍,利用全新蛛網翼穿梭漫威宇宙紐約,在彼得·派克與麥爾斯·摩拉斯之間快速切換,體驗不同故事與酷炫新能力。經典反派猛毒步步進逼,...
《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》將登陸PC!我們終於在紐約漫畫展(Comic Con)漫威舞台正式公布,廣受好評的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》系列最新作,將於2025年1月31日登陸PC,在Steam與Epic Games Store兩大商店上架,現已可供加入願望清單。 我們也十分高興與玩家分享,我們的好夥伴Nixxes Software將再次與Insomniac Games、P...
彼得·派克與麥爾斯·摩拉斯回歸,準備在備受好評的《Marvel’s Spider-Man》系列中展開精彩刺激的全新冒險,現已在PC推出。
《Marvel’s Spider-Man 2》即日起开放预购🕸️ 凡预购的玩家均可提前解锁彼得的蜘蛛骑士战衣、迈尔斯的影蜘蛛战衣,以及蛛网捕手,更可获得3点技能点数,帮助您顺利展开行动! ►► 预购详情:
PlayStation 港版中文 香港直邮 索尼PS5游戏光盘 漫威蜘蛛侠2 SPIDER-MAN 2229元什么值得买甄选出拼多多优惠促销商品,包括PlayStation报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
In the year since launching Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PlayStation 5, the game has received critical acclaim, numerous awards and nominations, and praise from fans all around the world. For us, it’s an honor to see players around the world share their love for our original...
Our friends at Insomniac are also excited to collaborate with NetEase Games and Marvel Games to bring Peter Parker’s Advanced Suit 2.0 from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to Marvel Rivals. To celebrate Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s upcoming PC release, Marvel Rivals players can purchase th...
Playstation®5 Console – Marvel’S Spider-Man 2 Bundle (Model Group - Slim) Brand PlayStation More details Warranty Warranty information Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC ("SIE") warrants to the original purchaser ("you") that the PS5 hardware, which includes components contained in the r...
During this time, it’s anticipated that we’ll get a glimpse of gameplay footage for Spider-Man 2 along with a new launch date. If this does come to fruition, we’ll be sure to share that news with you here on once it comes about. For now, though, the only thing...