Emulating PlayStation 1 games on RetroArch requires a different approach than DuckStation, but don’t worry – it’s not all that complicated. The first step is getting RetroArch installed on your Mac. The most straightforward way to do that is by usingHomebrew, a package manager for Mac th...
This partof our 4th gen article will show you how to create a custom app, as well as how to create a pleasing icon for it. However, you'll need slightly different commands to launch games with DuckStation and OpenEmu. For DuckStation, it's: /path/to/DuckStation.app/Contents/MacOS/DuckS...
If the roms to be converted are zipped inside a folder "DO NOT" use this bat. set new_dir=new_dir mkdir %new_dir% for %%f in (*.zip, *.7z, *.rar) do ( rem Extract files to folder %new_dir% 7za.exe x -y -o%new_dir% "%%f" rem Change dir to %new_dir% pushd %new...
用户基数一多,总有些民间大神会开发出各式各 +1 385101 xboxone吧 胡萝卜须的童年 DuckStation模拟器已移植到XS X|S 现可玩4KPS1游戏近日,PlayStation 1的模拟器DuckStation被移植到Xbox Series X|S主机上,玩家现在不仅可以在最新的Xbox系列主机上玩到PS1游戏,而且移植后的DuckStation还能够以60帧原生4K规格运行...
Double-clickthe game you want to play from the DuckStation library, and the game will load. How to extract ROMs from PS1 discs Since PS1 games are CDs, they can be extracted easily using an external optical disc drive. How to extract ROMs from PS1 discs ...