TM 5 out of 5 stars review 9/29/2020 The best version of a Playstation 4 Pro. I want to buy this Playstation 4 but the price is too high, i dont even know why Walmart put that amount for sale in this console. I really want it but is too much money. ...
然而,它也被证实连PlayStation Plus Premium的云端游戏库也不支持。 另外,外媒The Verge还报道称,Portal还没有蓝牙,所以,你不能和蓝牙耳机(比如索尼Pulse 3D耳机)相连。取而代之的是,Portal使用了PlayStation Link无线技术,这是一种新的专有标准,用于PlayStation设备。PlayStation Link旨在提供低延迟、无损音频,索尼...