PlayStation Portal是適合與家人同住之玩家的絕佳裝置,因為他們可能需要與家人共用客廳電視,或是單純只是想在家中另一個房間遊玩PS5遊戲。PlayStation Portal將透過Wi-Fi以遠端方式連線到PS5**,因此您將可快速地從使用PS5遊玩切換成使用PlayStation Portal遊玩。PlayStation Portal可遊玩已安裝在PS5主機的支援遊戲,並可使用...
PlayStation Portal™ Remote Player gives you access to the games on your PS5 over your home Wi-Fi, letting you jump right into gaming without needing to play on a TV.
*PlayStation Portal Remote Player能串流已在您PS5主机上安装的兼容游戏。PlayStation Portal Remote Player需搭配至少5Mbps的宽带互联网Wi-Fi方能使用。若想获得更好的游玩体验,建议要有至少15Mbps的高速网络连接。游玩体验的质量和连接状况可能会因您的网络环境而有所不同。需要PS5主机及PlayStation Network账号。PS5...
這項新技術可讓PS5主機、PlayStation Portal remote player、PULSE Explore無線耳塞式耳機和PULSE Elite耳機組實現低延遲、不失真的音訊。我們的願景是讓玩家能夠在家切換使用不同裝置,在PS5和PlayStation Portal remote player之間自由切換來玩遊戲,並可隨身攜帶音訊裝置來跳換使用。 PULSE Explore無線耳塞式耳機和PULSE El...
它在2023年5月公开亮相,并正式从“Project Q”更名为“PlayStation Portal remote player”,简称“PlayStation Portal”。并不是传统意义上那种PlayStation Portable、PlayStation Go和PlayStation VITA的掌上游戏机的荣耀回归,而是通过远程串流技术,通过无线网络将PS5的游戏画面传输到PlayStation Portal上,让玩家可以...
Specifications: Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Wi-Fi: Yes Touch Screen: No Games Type: Gaming handheld Color Display: Yes Games included: 0 Features: |Oxide Room 104 Ps5|Ps5 In Stock Arizona|Ps5 World| **Immersive Gaming Experience** The Sony PlayStation Portal Remote Player is a revolutionary...
PlayStation Portal是索尼发布的一款通过Wi-Fi信号可以在任何地方游玩PS5游戏的串流掌机。它在2023年5月公开亮相,并正式从“Project Q”更名为“PlayStation Portal remote player”,简称“PlayStation Portal”。并不是传统意义上那种PlayStation Portable、PlayStation Go和PlayStation VITA的掌上游戏机的荣耀回归,而是通...
design and comfortable grip make it an ideal companion for extended gaming sessions. **Seamless Integration and Compatibility** Designed specifically for the Sony PlayStation 5, the Portal is a must-have for gamers looking to enhance their console experience. It's not just a remote player; it'...
索尼(SONY)PS5串流掌机PlayStation Portal Remote Player 新款8英寸液晶屏 白色图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
design and comfortable grip make it an ideal companion for extended gaming sessions. **Seamless Integration and Compatibility** Designed specifically for the Sony PlayStation 5, the Portal is a must-have for gamers looking to enhance their console experience. It's not just a remote player; it'...