索尼订阅业务主管 Nick Maguire 在接受采访时透露,PlayStation Plus 的第三档会员“Premium”实际上比第二档会员“Extra”占据了更大份额,因此证明了 PlayStation 玩家更愿意为最贵的 PlayStation Plus 付费。▲ 索尼 PlayStation Plus 海报,图源 索尼 PlayStation 商店 索尼表示,旗下负责 PlayStation Plus 订阅的...
顶级的PlayStation Plus高级版,除了基础和额外福利,还有:云流媒体服务,包含PS3、PS2、PSP和PS4经典游戏库限时游戏试玩机会每月价格分别为:1个月:21.99美元3个月:59.99美元12个月:139.99美元值得注意的是,PlayStation Plus的全新目录中仅披露了部分游戏,如《死亡搁浅》、《战神》等,PS1/PS2/...
而在接受外媒 Gamesindustry 近日采访时,索尼表示“PlayStation 玩家更愿意为最尊贵别的 PlayStation Plus 会员付费”。 索尼订阅业务主管 Nick Maguire 在接受采访时透露,PlayStation Plus 的第三档会员“Premium”实际上比第二档会员“Extra”占据了更大份额,因此证明了 PlayStation 玩家更愿意为最贵的 PlayStation ...
成为PlayStation Plus 会员之后,无需额外付费即可享受定义了一个世代的 PS4 游戏。 1订阅用户必须拥有可以访问 PlayStation™Network 的账号,以及高速互联网。 PSN、PS Store 和 PS Plus 受使用条款约束,并且具有国家/地区和语言限制; PS Plus是一项持续订阅服务,会定期收取订阅服务费,该费用会按您购买时选择的方...
I have a PlayStation Plus or PlayStation Now 1-month, 3-month or 12-month membership voucher. What will happen if I redeem it? How much does PlayStation Plus cost? How often do PlayStation Plus games get updated? 1Classics and Game Trials available only to Premium/Deluxe subscribers. Gam...
PlayStation Plus Premium is an ongoing subscription with a recurring fee of 17.99 charged automatically every month. Expand this section for further details. Enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits, hundreds of games in the Game Catalog, as well
PlayStation has announced the games being added to PS Plus Premium and Extra on Tuesday, June 18.
Windows 7 (SP 1), 8.1 or 10 3.5 GHz Intel Core i3 or 3.8 GHz AMD A10 or faster 300 MB or more of available storage 2 GB or more of RAM Sound card; USB port What controllers can I use to play games streamed on PC through the PlayStation Plus Premium plan?
PlayStation Plus Premium | Classics As announced last week, more Ratchet & Clank games are coming to PlayStation Plus Premium on November 15! Those games are: Ratchet & Clank | PS3 Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando | PS3 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal |...
PlayStation Plus Click here to learn moreand purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly. PS3 Demos (Free) LEGO Lord of the Rings Explore Middle-earth in an epic LEGO videogame adventure for the entire family! Based on The Lord of the Rings motion picture trilogy,...