Experience PlayStation App Stay connected to the world of PlayStation wherever you go. Chat with friends, get the latest gaming news, and download games to your PS4 or PS5 console with PlayStation app. Connect with friends PlayStation App allows you to stay connected with friends and share ...
从PlayStation App启动Remote Play会话。 从PlayStation App启动Remote Play会话可提供更流畅的游戏体验,您可借此快速融入游戏。 只需按下PlayStation App中的按钮,您就可以直接从PS Remote Play应用程序启动游戏。 使用此应用程序需要 PlayStation Network 的账户。某些功能需要 PS4 或 PS5 主机。某些功能需要互联网连...
(注意:保存資料所使用的線上儲存空間需要PlayStation Plus定期服務) PS5資料互傳。現在可以使用本地Wi-Fi或LAN連接線,輕鬆將PS5主機上的資料(包含遊戲、保存資料、使用者設定、螢幕截圖與影片)轉移到另一台PS5主機。可以在PS5主機首次進行設定時轉移資料,或之後再到設定選單來轉移資料。此過程不會移除或修改原本PS5...
Unleash the power of PlayStation and explore hundreds of incredible games with a new choice of membership plan. WithPlayStation Plus Essential, you’ll get to enjoy all the core PlayStation Plus benefits: join your friends in online multiplayer, add new games to your collection every month...
PlayStation Plus is an optionalpremium subscription with a range of benefits, depending on how much you want to spend. The "Essential" base tier costs $9.99 per month and offers new monthly games (for as long as you remain subscribed), access to online multiplayer services, discounts in the...
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The all-new PlayStation Plus begins its launch rollout today starting in Asia, and we couldn’t be more excited to offer this service as a way to get even more great games into the hands of players. Let’s dive in. What is the new PlayStation Plus all about?
随着越来越多的模拟器出现在App Store,这对游戏爱好者来说无疑是个好消息。然而,在手机上使用模拟器的一个主要挑战是操作性,因为屏幕上的虚拟控制器总是无法与实体游戏控制器相媲美。实际上,iOS、iPadOS和tvOS都支持使用外接游戏手柄,这可以显著提升游戏体验。使用外接手柄不仅能够提供更精确的控制,还能减少对触摸屏...
希捷(Seagate)移动硬盘5TBUSB3.2酷玩RGB游戏电竞2.5英寸兼容MacPS4 商品好评率98% ¥999 去购买 内容参考。https://www.playstation.com/zh-hans-cn/support/hardware/ps5-extended-storage/ DualSense无线游戏手柄 如果要与小伙伴同享PS5的乐趣,那么单手柄是不够的。这里没啥好挑选的,无脑入官方手机即可。而购入渠...
PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup for February: Horizon Forbidden West, The Quarry, Resident Evil 7 biohazard and more Adam Michel Director, Game Services – Content, Sony Interactive Entertainment Date published: February 15, 2023 198 914 Celebrating 30 years of PlayStation with a...