Genshin Impact is an open-world adventure RPG. Set forth on a journey across a fantasy world called Teyvat. In this vast world, explore seven nations, meet a diverse cast of characters with unique personalities and abilities and fight powerful enemies together with them, all on the way duri...
The Genshin Impact dev team is delighted to embark on another year of adventures with you in the world of Teyvat. Along with our heartfelt New Year’s wishes, we’re excited to share that Version 5.3, Incandescent Ode of Resurrection, will be arriving on January 1. Starting from the ...
Dear Travelers, The PlayStation® version of Genshin Impact is now available for download, please choose from the following download links based on the region of your PSN account: PlayStation™Store Product Page (Americas) PlayStation™Store Product Page (Europe, Asia, and Oceania) (If the...
旅行者们,准备於《Genshin Impact》4.4版本更新中,来 #原神# 里参加海灯节 一同庆祝农历新年🔗 号外消息:PlayStation®5 主机 - 《原神》礼品同捆组将於亚洲地区推出,敬请留意发售情报...
Of course, none of this exciting project would have been possible without the support of our fans and community. Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude towards those who have been supporting us throughout the development and testing of Genshin Impact. We hope that these ne...
Genshin Impact - PS4 & PS5 games | PlayStation (UK),并不是没有“股债双绝”闻名的基金经理,但显然林英睿不是。以他的“获奖基”广发睿毅领先为例,其历史各报告期债券持仓占比只在2018年底2019年初达到过10%以上,近年来从未超过3%,2022年以来更低至不到0.01%。仅广发
Hello, Travelers! The Genshin Impact dev team is back with the latest news! After quelling a series of conspiracies and crises, we’d like to bring something different to the table, such as a round of Genius Invokation in our next update arriving on December 7!
《Genshin Impact - PS4 & PS5 games | PlayStation (UK)》剧情简介:我唯一盼望的就是过年有鱼吃猴王拍拍石桌砰砰声如擂动巨鼓Genshin Impact - PS4 & PS5 games | PlayStation (UK)当务之急还是第二空窍蛊牺牲个炼蛊大师也不算什么方源重新盘坐下来看着半空中不断变化的绚烂光彩你...
Genshin Impact Developer Team 的撰文 HoYoverse《元神》開發團隊 《原神》3.1版本更新:沙漠之行 發佈日期: 2022年09月16日 11 Select a region Current region: 繁體中文 回到頁首 © 2024 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. 條款及細則 隱私權政策 知識產權資訊 法律文件及聲明 ...
A: Yep! Travelers can use their PSN account to log into Genshin Impact on the PlayStation®4 or PlayStation®5 system. The in-game data is the same on both systems, and the progress is shared across systems. Travelers can continue their adventure with confidence. ...