The PlayStation VR bundle, which includes the PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, and VR games, can take your gaming experience to another level, offering a truly immersive experience. Don't forget about the PS5 DualSense Charging Station. This accessory allows you to conveniently char...
PlayStation®VR 不适用于 12 岁以下的儿童。要体验虚拟现实功能,需要置备 PlayStation®4 或 PlayStation®5 系统、PlayStation®VR 和 PlayStation®Camera。“PlayStation”、“PS”系列标识、“PS5”和“PS4”是 Sony Interactive Entertainment, Inc. 的商标。
从小连安慰奖也没有中国的我,下班后鬼使神差去买了两份$5的套餐,居然就中了传说中的PSVR Launch Bundle! 不愧是不差钱的姨夫,二话不说就给我寄来了这一大箱: 打开盒子,被里面这么多的配件吓了一跳。光看这个示意图就知道索尼为了让PS4支持VR,hack了不少东西。 全家福: 这个Launch bundle包含了 PS VR head...
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Shop PS VR2 PlayStation®VR2 PlayStation®VR2 Horizon Call of the Mountain™ Bundle PlayStation VR2 Sense™ Controller Charging Station Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Available Now PlayStation VR2 The next generation of virtual reality gaming...
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PlayStation®VR2 Horizon Call of the Mountain™ Bundle Sign In to Buy Add PlayStation VR2 Sense™ Controller Charging Station Sign In to Buy Add PlayStation®VR2 PC Adapter Sign In to Buy Add PowerA Storage Case for PlayStation®VR2 ...
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Available now Get everything you need to experience the next generation of virtual reality gaming with PlayStation VR2, or dive straight into a brand new Horizon adventure, with the special digital game bundle. ...
Another bundle featuring the new PlayStation 5 model, the PlayStation 5 SlimMarvel’s Spider-Man 2bundle comes with a copy of the superhero adventureMarvel’s Spider-Man 2. In the sequel toMarvel’s Spider-Man, you’ll continue the story of Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they go up ...
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