we’ve been able to show you a glimpse of the stunning new games being created for PlayStation 5, taking advantage of the console’s unique capabilities to deliver lightning-fast loading, heightened immersion, and a whole new generation of exp...
Welcome PlayStation 5 Pro, the most visually impressive way to play games on PlayStation Hideaki NishinoCEO, Platform Business Group, Sony Interactive Entertainment Celebrating 30 years of PlayStation with a nostalgic look Hideaki NishinoCEO, Platform Business Group, Sony Interactive Entertainment ...
When the PlayStation 5 launches this November, more than 99 percent of the 4000+ games available on PS4 will be playable on PS5. We know you have questions about how PS4 games will work on PS5, so here is a quick overview on some common questions we’ve seen from the PlayStation com...
My BF week backlog is massive, on top of having MM Ultimate (with Spiderman Remaster), Sackboy, and Demon Souls (sweet talked my way into B2G1 qualifying for that at Target, used Redcard too) Of PS4, I scooped: Doom Eternal ($10 used with CAG16 coupon and $5 monthly coupon), Gho...
riotwolf_18 November 5, 2022 at 8:30 AM GMT+8 @CommandingTiger Your looking at Sackboy and Uncharted but completely ignoring that Horizon ZD sold over 2 million on PC, GOW stayed in the steam top sellers for 2 weeks and Spiderman is Sony’s fastest selling game on PC and stayed on ...
Not all games will load as quickly as Spiderman, especially open world third party games. I haven't played Miles Morales but have seen that it has lots of cuts scenes. I don't know whether they are skippable or if the console is using them to disguise loading. Read Dead Rede...
War Horse:This handsome iron-grey-colored Ardennes War Horse can always be relied on in the heat of the battle. With greater courage and stamina than the average steed, this is a horse that knows how to keep its head under fire.
Hi everyone! Spring is right around the corner, and we’re getting a fresh start on the season with up to 90 percent off rarely discounted titles, as part of our Deals from the Vault Flash Sale. Starting now, save big on games like Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition, Ride, Sword Art On...
And right now, we’ve got your first look at PlayStation Store deals – from PS Plus and PS Now discounts to savings on hundreds of catalog titles. Starting tomorrow morning: Save $20 on a PS Plus 12-Month Membership Save $30 on a PS Now 12-Month Subscription ...