Want even more?See what plays are playing and opening soon on Broadway. Opening/Closing Schedule Check out the opening/closing schedule for new plays and revivals, updated live as dates are announced. NOTE: Broadway Play Home does not maintain a list of daily cancellations and openings/closings...
Stranger Things: The First Shadow The Mousetrap Broadway plays opening soon See the next big theatrical sensation. Good Night, and Good Luck John Proctor Is the Villain Stranger Things: The First Shadow Glengarry Glen Ross The Picture of Dorian Gray All Date...
Visiting New York? Select a month to discover the best of what’s on whilst you’re here. MarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovember Spring preview Discover Broadway's spring season Learn more about all the plays and musicals opening on Broadway this spring, and get tickets right here....
Bette Midler has confirmed a toplining stint in John Logan’s new solo play “I’ll Eat You Last: A Chat With Sue Mengers,” bowing on Broadway in a world preem production to be helmed by Joe Mantello and produced by Graydon Carter. Midler will play Sue Mengers, the late, legendary ...
In the recent playsRomanceandNovember, Mamet joined his farcical side to his opinionated involvement in current affairs. (Present-day politics arise again in his new play,Race, opening on Broadway in December, and correctness boomerangs back to Broadway in a revival ofOleanna, in previews.) But...
human sized lizards who act and talk like humans. The rest of the play involves the lizard couple trying to decide if they would prefer to stay on land or return to the sea and the human couple helping them out. Opening on Broadway on 26th January, 1975 to not-so-rave initial reviews...
And it’s almost opening night! The actors must then figure out the right course of action, all while rehearsing the classic play about impossibly difficult choices. What is the right thing to do? And must the show go on? Bucket of Blessings (Alliance Theatre, 2016) A show for the very...
historically or aesthetically significant" by the U.S. Library of Congress. It wasn't until 1993 that the film got the stage treatment, thanks to Andrew Lloyd Webber and starring Gelnn Close. First opening in London, then on Broadway in 1994, "Sunset Boulevard" was not the financial hit ...
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