Austin playwright Pablo Muñoz-Evers, born in Colombia, is the winner of JP’s second year Opening Act Initiative. His play, There’s No Sand On The Moon, will be presented in a workshop performance next April. In Pablo’s work, a family of refugees flees a war-torn country, boarding...
Austin, TX.-The petroleum resource potential of deep and ultradeep geology in the Gulf of Mexico is sparking renewed interest in new play concepts in the deep water and deep Shelf. In deep water, in addition to Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene plays, several deep-water discoveries made in the ...
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Total RNA was extracted using mirVana miRNA isolation kit (Applied Biosystem/Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) and the concentrations were measured with the NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Wilmington, DE, USA) and stored at −80 °C for further use. 4.4. TaqMan Reverse Transcr...
A chamber piece for three women in three chairs. What’s a mother to do when her little girl makes her own girl out of plain, wet earth? Produced by New Georges, NYC (2003), Blue Theater/Physical Plant, Austin, TX (2001), Ten Thousand Things, Minneapolis, Gas and Electric Arts, Phi...
Total RNA isolated by TRIzol Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) was treated with the Turbo DNA free kit (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA) to eliminate the genome DNA contamination. TaqMan stem-loop real-time PCR method was used to assess the expression of miR-21 with kits from Applied Biosy...
Hybridization was carried out with ULTRAhybTM hybridization solution (Ambion, Austin, TX). The blots were washed (final two washes with 0.1× SSC, 0.1% SDS) and processed for detection using the BrightStarTM BioDetectTM kit (Ambion, Austin, TX) following the manufacturer's protocol. The ...
The RNAi-mediated suppression of HSP83 expression was carried out as previously described (Will and Vilcinskas2015). Briefly, the Ambion MEGAscript T7 Kit (Applied Biosystems, Austin, TX) was used to prepare dsRNA according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Gene-specific primers including the T...
在线看Kiss Guy (YAYO Sanchez) plays Monkeywrench.. 7分钟 4秒。21 4月 2018的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 14 — 已浏览。
Briefly, for each total RNA sample, linear amplification and biotin labeling of total RNA (500 ng) were performed using the Illumina TotalPrep RNA Amplification Kit (Ambion Applied Biosystems, Austin, TX). Whole-genome expression analysis was performed by hybridization of amplified RNA to an ...