但如果你要对运行中的进程进行调试,则需要使用 ptrace( PTRACE_ATTACH, ….) 当ptrace( PTRACE_ATTACH, …)在被调用的时候传入了子进程的pid时, 它大体是与ptrace( PTRACE_TRACEME, …)的行为相同的,它会向子进程发送SIGSTOP信号,于是我们可以察看和修改子进程,然后使用 ptrace( PTRACE_DETACH, …)来使子进...
出现系统调用之后,内核会将eax中的值(此时存的是系统调用号)保存起来,我们可以使用PTRACE_PEEKUSER作为ptrace的第一个参数来读到这个值。 我们察看完系统调用的信息后,可以使用PTRACE_CONT作为ptrace的第一个参数,调用ptrace使子进程继续系统调用的过程。 ptrace函数的参数 Ptrace有四个参数 long ptrace(enum __ptrace_...
Playingwith ptrace Playingwith ptrace, Part II In Part II of his series on ptrace, Pradeep tackles the more advanced topics of setting breakpoints and injecting code into running processes. In Part I of this arti #include sed linux
think again. Linux provides an elegant mechanism to achieve all of these things: the ptrace (Process Trace) system call. ptrace provides a mechanism by which a parent process may observe and control the execution of another process. It can examine and change its core image and registers and i...
ptraceis called with four arguments: long ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data); The first argument determines the behaviour of ptrace and how other arguments are used. The value of request should be one of PTRACE_TRACEME, PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, PTRACE_PEEKDA...
In Part II of his series on ptrace, Pradeep tackles the more advanced topics of setting breakpoints and injecting code into running processes. In Part I of this article [LJ, November 2002], we saw how ptrace can be used to trace system calls and change system call arguments. In this arti...
Playing with ptrace, Part II Byon Sun, 2002-12-01 02:00. In Part II of his series on ptrace, Pradeep tackles the more advanced topics of setting breakpoints and injecting code into running processes. In Part I of this article [LJ, November 2002], we saw how ptrace can be used to tr...
Playing with ptrace, Part II In Part II of his series on ptrace, Pradeep tackles the more advanced topics of setting breakpoints and injecting code into running processes. In Part I of this article [LJ, November 2002], we saw how ptrace can be used to trace system calls and change...