Using that framework, players create their character and play a role adjudicated by the game master. The role of the game master is to present narrative scenarios such as ‘rescuing a noble’ within an imagined world. The fictional world is set as a stage and space to interact with both ...
Lisa Lorraine Helen McCormickMcCormick, L. (2008, unpublished) Playing to Win: a Cultural Sociology of the International Music Competition. PhD Dissertation in Sociology, New Haven: Yale University
•Initialgettogether–CategoryManager&Consultant•TransformationofP&G–2000to2009•Madeastandardstrategyprocess:–Robustframework,waytoteach,methodologytobringittolife@P&G BookOverview •Thisbookprovidesframeworktohelporganizationsbecomemorestrategicand,helpthem‘playtowin’.•Basedlargelyontheexperiencesofthetwo...
- Can use either the NGUI tweens or the included copy of iTween to move the cards smoothly. When Unity 4.6 comes out with integrated NGUI we'll switch to their tween system. - All C# source files are included and strictly follow the .Net Framework Design Guideline naming conventions. ...
The ALICE experience: A learning framework to promote gaming literacy for educators and its refinement Educators are facing the challenge to use the learning potential of games from several complementary objectives. Above all, they need to develop their own ... N Moumoutzis,M Christoulakis,A Pi...
Summary: To kick off the new Coding4Fun column, Duncan Mackenzie describes how you can use the Microsoft Windows Media SDK and the Microsoft Windows .NET Framework to pull all of the juicy attributes out of your music files. (19 printed pages)...
sustainableandfair playing field,soas to secure a win-win situation for the business sector and consumers. 政府的競爭政策目 標是透過推動可持續及公平的競爭,提升經濟效益和促進自由貿易,達 致商界和消費者雙贏的局面。
process. It can be a simple and straightforward process based on making five es -sential choices, and employing one framework and one validation process.• Strategy is derived by making thoughtful, deliber-ate choices related to a specific aspiration that will enable the company to win in the...
CA0058: PresentationFramework could not be found Calculate text width/height in WPF Calendar NOT losing focus WPF 4.0 Call method in another viewmodel without creating a new instance call method of view model from view (xaml.cs) Calling a delegate on the UI thread from a work thread inside ...
play - pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity; "Let's play like I am mommy"; "Play cowboy and Indians" act out, enact, reenact - act out; represent or perform as if in a play; "She reenacted what had happened earlier that day" act out - represen...