Playing to Win How Strategy Really Works A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin ©2013 A.G. Lafley and Roger L. Martin Adapted by permission of Harvard Business School Publishing ISBN: 978-1-4221-8739-5 Key Concepts • Crafting a good strategy does not need to be a com -plex or ...
Strategyisaboutmakingchoicessotheauthorsprovideyouwithaframeworkbasedonfiveinter-relatedquestions,theanswerstowhichwillhelpyoucraftyourorganization’sstrategy.Thefivequestionsare:1.Whatisyourwinningaspiration?–Decideonawinningaspiration 2.Wherewillyouplay?––Choose“wheretoplay”–themarketforyouroffering Decide“...
出版时间:2013-2-5价格:USD 27.00装帧:Hardcoverisbn号码:9781422187395丛书系列:图书标签: 战略 管理 商业 Strategy 管理学 思维 宝洁 战略管理 Playing to Win 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The only strategy book you'll ever need If strategy is about creating a competitive advantage that allows a...
To identify the most promising opportunities, operators might consider the following questions:Are the market conditions conducive to success with each play? It will be important for telcos to consider the maturity of demand within their geographical markets, as well as the competitive landscape...
To identify the most promising opportunities, operators might consider the following questions:Are the market conditions conducive to success with each play? It will be important for telcos to consider the maturity of demand within their geographical markets, as well as the competitive landscape. Is ...
12,077 questions Limitless Technology 44,666Reputation points Aug 16, 2023, 6:46 PM Hi there, Based upon the information Please check if there is any issues while you are in safe mode From the Start Menu: Click on the "Start" button (Windows icon) located at the bottom-left corner o...
Microsoft Media Foundation outputs an exception when playing local videoWhen I use Microsoft Media Foundation to play a local video, a Microsoft C++ exception bad_hresult is displayed in the output window. I want to know if it will affect the video playback. For demonstration, I wrote a...
Windows 10 Windows 10 A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets. 12,077 questions Sign in to follow 0 comments No comments Report a concern I have the same question 0 {count} votes Sign in to comment ...
WM Wilfred Mac Win User i have a gaming laptop that crashes during games Hi, A corrupted profile is one of the possible reasons why your computer crashes when playing a game. For us to provide proper resolution, we need to collect more information. Kindly answer the questions below: When...
The goal of playing football is to win.3. Football has a history of one hundred years.4. Most English main players became famous because they love this sport a lot and then practice hard.5. There are five players on each cricket team.6. Players can play cricket and people can watch ...