Ukulele Ebooks If you're really serious about learning the ukulele and want to learn at a much faster pace then I'd highly recommend checking out these ukulele ebooks. The ebooks are aimed at all levels and all come with supporting MP3s and YouTube videos to help you learn. Recent Posts...
I've linked performances from YouTube above for the pieces that have them. The Sibelius is an early tone poem, rarely played today though Sibelius himself conducted it often. Baldini is our conductor; his piece is atonal and very atmospheric, with a lot of extended techniques, but apa...
Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain play 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly'.Picture: YouTube / UkuleleOrchestra / Produzioni Europee Associati By Sian Moore Ennio Morricone’s most legendary score, played by a band of ukulele virtuosos. It’s Sergio Leone’s 1966Spaghetti Western, but instead ...
I'm sure you've seen there are different kinds of animated violin tutorials on YouTube - quite a few have animated tabs! Glad you found us! - Emily Hi Emily, Thank you for the warm welcome. I can read. I'm just slow at it. These days it seems I'm getting slower at everyth...
Communityet venter på at høre fra dig! Log på eller bliv en del af Pixabay for at se kommentarer LyseForretningEnergiskSjovtGuitarLykkeligInspirerendeMunterLysMotiverendeOptimistiskKlaverPopPositivMagtfuldeStoltStrengeSuccesUkuleleYoutubeTiktokBørn ...
By choosing the"Standard"and"Basic"packages, you are permitted to use the music in any of your personal projects or in a single YouTube video. However, it is important to note that this option does not grant you permission to resell the music track, publish it, or broadcast it in any ...
Been also giving the Kids simple music making stuff, but just gave my 2nd oldest Granddaughter a carbon composite Ukulele for her Birthday (8) - shaped like a guitar, because she admires her Father's guitar playing. Shes LOVES it - and in just ONE DAY she's playing Happy Birthday!.....
"Making a lot out of a little is what the `ukulele does best," writes James in the liner notes to his ground-breaking debut. "Its magic lies in the embrace of simplicity and in the refutation of its own limitations. I wanted to record an album that would show off the versatility and...
By choosing the"Standard"and"Basic"packages, you are permitted to use the music in any of your personal projects or in a single YouTube video. However, it is important to note that this option does not grant you permission to resell...
So the commitment this year is thatI’m not going to look up the tab or music for anything. I’m not going to watch Youtube tutorials to learn songs, if I can’t work it out by myself I won’t play it. It’s quite a severe approach, but I feel like it’s got some real ...