playing hookey playing hookey Playing hooky Playing hooky playing hunch playing hunch playing hunch playing hunch playing ignorant playing in Playing in A Dangerous Manner playing in the big leagues playing innocent playing into hands playing into hands playing into hands playing into hands playing into...
play hooky, play hookey v expr mainly US, informal (play truant, be absent from school) SC 逃学táo xué I regret having played hooky in high school. play house vtr + n US (children: pretend to be family) SC 玩过家家 The children were playing house in the yard. play into [sb]'...
说明:双击或选中下面任意单词,将显示该词的音标、读音、翻译等;选中中文或多个词,将显示翻译。 1) This comes of playing hookey, 都怪我逃学旷课, 例句>> 2) to play truant,to play hooky 逃学,旷课 3) truancy[英]['tru:ənsi] [美]['truənsɪ] ...
"Hookey" (also spelled "hooky") apparently developed from the colloquial phrase "hooky-crooky" common in the early 19th century, which meant "dishonest or underhanded." The connection between the two phrases becomes clearer when we recall that to "play hookey" properly, one had to pretend to...