全球气候变暖一直是目前的一个严重问题,目前生活的方方面面都在主张大家低碳环保。昨日,联合国环境署发出公告,表示包括索尼互动娱乐、微软、谷歌Stadia、育碧等游戏公司宣布加入联合国环境署举办的“Playing for the Planet”项目,承诺一起为了在2030年前减少3000万吨二氧化碳的排放而努力。 该项目成立于本周举办的第四...
PLAYING FOR THE PLANET 362020-08 3 Watching Earth From Space 372020-08 4 The Grand CANYON 252020-08 5 Celebrating Food and Family 212020-08 6 The Great Dome of Florence 562020-08 7 The DISEASE DETECTIVE 492020-08 8 A Love Poem in Stone 472020-08 9 Re 8b old 492020-08 10 Hawaii Volca...
万代南梦宫娱乐宣布加入于2019年9月23日召开的联合国气候行动峰会中成立的「PLAYING FOR THE PLANET ALLIANCE」,联盟成员企业提出各项承诺,包含游戏产业结合环保活动、减少碳排放和浪费,以及响应全球环境议程。 万代南梦宫娱乐将施行四项措施改善企业实践,并藉由游戏产品促进环保思维。此外,也将进行年度检视并研拟加速对策,...
超过32家游戏工作室现已加入该机构推动的“为地球而战联盟”(Playing for the Planet Alliance),种植了超过100万棵树,并吸引了1.3亿游戏玩家关注与环境相关的主题。此外,60%的联盟成员承诺到2030年实现净零碳排放/负碳排放。该报告展示了游戏行业在脱碳和提高绿色意识方面取得的进展,以及下一步的发展方向。2022年“...
Daniel Hasselberg, CEO of MAG Interactive said, “We are happy to involve MAG inPlaying For The Planetfor the third time. It is an inspiring initiative to work together with players and other gaming companies for a common cause. We hope that with educational and fun con...
gamigo announced that it became a member of the Playing for the Planet Alliance, a collective effort by the video games industry to reduce its carbon footprint and integrate environmental activations into their games. The Playing for the Planet Alliance is a group of gaming compani...
看了下某大型游戏公司近一个月来的密集表态,比如Playing for the PlanetBlack Lives MatterWomen of WorkDesign for Blind PlayersPlay A Part Together游戏公司服务于现实生活的介入还是很积极的 发布于 2020-06-09 10:38 赞同3 分享收藏 ...
Sounding a note of caution through music ; Playing for the Planet unites activist musiciansAndrew Gilbert
environmental issues through initiatives like the Playing for the Planet Alliance, and second, by taking into account the impact our business has on the planet and taking direct action. With that in mind, we will continue to review our processes and find new ways to use our voice for good....
Gameloft announced today that it has become the latest studio to join the Playing for the Planet Alliance, a collective effort by the video games industry to reduce its carbon footprint and integrate environmental activations into their games.