I have a checkers app on my iPad which allows you to play against the computer to try to lose all your pieces first. Since jumping is mandatory, it's actually really fun to come up with a strategy to force your opponent to take your pieces. I think it's better than regular checkers...
I have used yahoo Games for playing games with friends. Most popular game we play is Chinese checkers https://games.yahoo.com/board/ http://boincstats.com/en/stats/134/team/detail/3073/charts http://boincstats.com/en/stats/-1/team/detail/181349403/charts ...
Might as well play checkers. Thanks for your comment. I would like to clarify that our current 2 robots have been mass-produced and sold nearly 100k units,the consumer satisfaction rate achieved higher than 99.4% on Chinese E-commerce platform, with a very low rate of return for repair, an...
every game with its own software, which must be loaded into the simulators microcontroller. Thus, I could simulate games like: Ludo, Ladders and Snakes, Morris, Checkers, a bunch of different dice based games... Nowadays, unfortunately,
leading to breakthroughs in computer vision [11, 22, 16] and speech recognition [6, 7]. These methods utilise a range of neural network architectures, including convolutional networks, multilayer perceptrons, restricted Boltzmann machines and recurrent neural networks, and have ex- ploited both sup...
The checkers-playing robotic system presented in this paper consists of the following main components: robotic arm; computer and control system; camera; board and pieces. As pieces manipulator, a Franka Emika robotic arm with seven degrees of freedom is used. This robot exhibits an industrial-grad...