All low-level dungeons available through Maraudon should have a player cap of 10. Blackrock Depths, Scholomance, Stratholme, and Dire Maul will be capped at 5 players in WoW Classic. Blizzard today clarified how the player cap is going to work for dungeo
I haven’t raided much and I don’t think I ever ran mythic dungeons but would love to learn. 1 Like Kiuayoukai-zuljin February 9, 2024, 2:35am 2 Hi Tatteredkhan! I’m Kiuayoukai, a cheeky Pandaren Resto Shaman, and proud assistant GM of the guild/community Found a Green ...
Related:What item level gear do Mythic+ dungeons drop in WoW Dragonflight? This, in a nutshell, is actually free boosting, but you still need to do your part of the job, you can’t stand idly at the beginning of the dungeon and let the big boys do it all for you. You can al...
Returning player. Looking for a home. Have not raided much since Legion. DF really brought me back in. Faction nor server matter. Looking for a chill Guild that raids heroic and dabbles into mythic. Willing to main vario…
You stand, you shield, you survive; these are the tenets of your creed as a Protection Paladin in the ever-shifting landscape of World of Warcraft’s Mythic+ dungeons. Your decisions in gearing up, choosing talents, and executing fight mechanics are pivotal to not only your survival but also...
This is still balancing the rest of the game around the mythic raiding scene or at least the raid logging scene. The rest of the game should not be held hostage so you don't feel compelled to leave your bubble. The hammer comes down: Originally Posted by Osmeric Normal should be red...
If you want a WoW centric answer:Do fractals, that are dungeons that work like mythic+ dungeons in WoW. Entrance is in Lion Arch. Gear drops sometimes and also can be bought with fractal currency. Lower tiers are doable as a beginner. Looking up a guide does help of course. If you b...
Ghost Story is a mesmerizing fantasy roleplaying game that allows gamers to immerse in the mythic story plot and sweet encounters replicated from the "Love O2O" drama series. The adaptation of both storylines facilitate a multiverse connection between the legendary myth and modern creativity, where ...
To celebrate the launch of Operation Gnomeregan and Zalazane's Fall and the coming of Cataclysm Classic, we've made several limited-time adjustments to Defense Protocol: Gamma dungeons as well as the acquisition rate of Heroic tier tokens in 25-player Icecrown Citadel. There are also additional...
A spiritual successor to the Diablo series, and especially the dark fantasy world of Diablo 2, Path of Exile can scratch your dungeon-crawling itch. You select from seven classes (Duelist, Marauder, Ranger, Scion, Shadow, Templar, and Witch) and delve into caves and dungeons to take down ...