A plugin which pulls and sends surrounding player names from OSRS to a python server. The names and stats are then processed and assessed for bot-like behavior. - GitHub - Bot-detector/bot-detector: A plugin which pulls and sends surrounding player name
Just look for the sweats who are classwapping 10 different times before the match starts. They are almost 100% guaranteed to be DuoQ'd. If you play OSRS on the side like me... Woodcutting lvl? 2 Khalisto.5780 Members 2.7k Author Posted March 1, 2023 On 3/1/2023 at 12:...
Do you want to change up your DST gaming experience? Well, look no further because I have something for you: character mods! For those who are unfamiliar, a mod (in DST and similar styled games) is a program made by players like yourself who want to add a little more spice and every...
In terms of comparing the game to runescape I'd say it's a massive disservice to OSRS where the tiny dev team made it clear from day 1 that they will poll any proposed changes (that occur at lightning speed in comparison). New and fresh won't fix what's broken (on the contrary, i...
There is no damage though, so why would I do something like that when I can put in 0 effort and win every time while also leveling up my Fishing skill on OSRS on the side? Expand Well yes. I am playing with mace on warrior. While the cd on F1cd is on par with the rest, ...
islands, etc. and how we want the buildings to look and every server would have a different land based on what kind of people its members are, and people could buy upgrades which would be balanced because the server fights are balanced as long as a bunch of people don't transfer anyways...