World of Warcraft Classic player count, server population, subscribers and game activity stats (aka classicwow).
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The post count and the wacky titles for post counts are the rewards if that helps you understand it. In wow content is secondary to you over a sense of accomplishment via rewards. Exactly. The posts are the content on the site. The web design isn't, that's just how the content is ...
Keep the buff limit intact so players have to choose what they get, but buffs applied by player abilities don’t count towards this limit. What are your thoughts on something like this? What if the buff limit was lowered? Now bring nochanges back into the mix. What kind ...
That’s the sound of 3,683 add-ons running simultaneously in World of Warcraft Classic. YouTuber Baltoboulbobbi brought the MMO to its knees with a bucket of custom tools and effects simply to see what happens. And what happens is a total nightmare. There are so many add-ons in the ...
I have not raided yet in HC WoW, I don’t think that the prep involved is something I would want to sign up for after doing the SoD raids, and have less time now. however that will be changing when I go into this new HC Fresh server, and I sure would like a server that treats...
All low-level dungeons available through Maraudon should have a player cap of 10. Blackrock Depths, Scholomance, Stratholme, and Dire Maul will be capped at 5 players in WoW Classic. Blizzard today clarified how the player cap is going to work for dungeo
byu/mironoteuinclassicwow Until the launch of achievements inWrath of the Lich King(2008), players didn’t have much proof (other than the loot they collected) of having completed a raid. This meant that every time a new raiding group was formed, players just had to take each other’s...
name, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expirationTime, source, isStealable, nameplateShowPersonal, spellId, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, castByPlayer, nameplateShowAll, timeMod, ... = GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(spellID) Arguments spellID number Details The advantage over UnitAura() is this function...
There was no malice in her voice because it wasn’t needed, the thread count of her suit was proper intimidation enough. Any protest against her was clear career suicide. She didn’t necessarily enjoy telling them off. She was just playing her part in the great corporate machine, a small...