a ZIP file and unpack it). Then, look for theunitypackagefile in thecurrent-builddirectory: current-build/GooglePlayGamesPluginForUnity-X.YY.ZZ.unitypackage To install the plugin, simply open your game project in Unity and import that file into your project’s assets, as you would any othe...
The Google Play Games plugin for Unity® is an open-source project whose goal is to provide a plugin that allows game developers to integrate with the Google Play Games API from a game written in Unity®. However, this project is not in any way endorsed or supervised by Unity Technologi...
Google Play Games plugin for Unity. Contribute to mclockw/play-games-plugin-for-unity development by creating an account on GitHub.
浏览器与服务器的Http协议决定了他们的一次连接一次交互然后立刻关闭,这就会出现一个问题,如何保存和识别同一个用户多次访问该服务器时候留下来的数据呢,其实状态就是每次访问留下来的数据,管理就是对这些数据进行修改,所以状态管理就是对这些数据进行保存和修改处理 当...
Then, look for the unitypackage file in the current-build directory:current-build/GooglePlayGamesPluginForUnity-X.YY.ZZ.unitypackage To install the plugin, simply open your game project in Unity and import that file into your project's assets, as you would any other Unity package. This is ...
play-games-plugin-for-unity-master-v0.10.12.zipIc**ot 上传38.22 MB 文件格式 zip unity GooglePlay Unity接入GooglePlay插件 play-games-plugin-for-unity-master-v0.10.12点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:3 积分 电信网络下载 Android ListView下拉刷新 Demo.zip ...
Google Play Games plugin for Unity. Contribute to playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity development by creating an account on GitHub.
Google Play Games plugin for Unity. Contribute to isaveu/play-games-plugin-for-unity development by creating an account on GitHub.
Google Play Games plugin for Unity. Contribute to wearshoes/play-games-plugin-for-unity development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hello, I'm not able to exchange the client's Auth Code with a id_token or user id on the server: After a successful PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.Authenticate() I call PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.GetServerAuthCode() and send the [AUTH_CODE] ...