里面找dlc的title 然后把`The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild jp DLC``文件夹下面三个文件夹塞进来。 进入游戏。 说明dlc打上了,搞定。
你需要控制自己的耐力条才能完成一系列惊险刺激的动作。这种机制让笔者回想起了《塞尔达传说:旷野之息(Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)》的一些惊险时刻,它们明显是受到了《巨像之咆哮》的启发。 剧情高潮仍然是游戏中最具震撼力的时刻之一。 所有的这些战斗都是为了故事的感情爆发所做的铺垫。主角和他心爱的...
In this article Nintendo Life regular Alan Lopez gives an account of his attempt to playThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildwith his partner, as real life didn't suit his desire for diving into the lengthy adventure on his own. I've always gotten a chill before I started so...
A dad spent a weekend building a custom pad for theXbox Adaptive Controllerso his daughter could use it to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch. Rory Steel, who is the head of Jersey Digital Academy, tweeted his progress as he created a custom rig...
Genshin Impact, a free to play solution for everyone that wished to play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on mobile, is finally available for everyone to play across a variety of devices - and yes, there is cross-platform multiplayer including, th
This is the "Nintendo Labo: VR Kit" page for the Nintendo Switch game "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild."
Nintendo has not explicitly stated ifBreath of the Wildand its direct sequelTears of the Kingdomare in any of the three timelines, only saying that they take place after all previousZeldagames. Nintendo Some fans theorize that this era ofZeldaconverges the three split timelines together, as the...
Love Breath of the Wild? Waiting for the second game to release? These eight games like Breath of the Wild will scratch your open-world itch.
These faults become especially apparent when you’re binging on a game like the lengthy adventure ofThe Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But there’s a solution: the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. It just feels better Like its Wii and Wii U predecessors, the Switch’s Pro ...
Observant Play: Colonial Ideology in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildRachael Hutchinson