3. Minimize for YouTube play in the background For this app to work, you have to open the app and turn on the video that you would like to play in the background. Then, hide the app by either clicking on the home button or switching to another app. This app will appear on the ...
The official YouTube app doesn’t allow you to play the videos in the background unless you have a YouTube RED subscription. One of the reason is the ads, whenever we watch a video we see the advertisements. For instance, if we play the videos in the background, then there will be ...
Therefore, whenever, you will switch from YouTube to any other app, your video will be stopped immediately. So, you cannot listen to your favorite music and do your task simultaneously. Now, if you want to play YouTube video in the background on iOS device aka iPhone or iPad, here is ...
Auto HD/4k/8k for YouTube(or Auto HD for YouTube) is a simple Chrome extension to set the default video quality for all YouTube videos. It supports 8K to 4K, 1080p to 720p, 360p to 140p, etc., and videos (including an auto level option). ...
Step 1:Launch Firefox as you would normally and go to theYouTubewebsite. Make sure to typeyoutube.comin the URL entry, as tapping YouTube in Google search results will usually cause it to open the app. Step 2:Navigate to the video you want to play in the background. ...
If you minimize the YouTube app or turn off your iPhone’s display, YouTube will immediately pause the playback. Oneold workaround is to play videos inside the web browserlike Google Chrome or Safari and then resume the playback using the Play button from the Control Center. But on iOS ...
点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 单击循环时加快 YouTube 播放速度(X0.01 X0.1 X0.25,X0.5,X1,X1.25,X1.5,X2,X2.5,X3,X3.5,X4,X5 ,X10) 这是一个简单的扩展,用于提高 YouTube™ 视频的播放速度。 除了YouTube™ 提供的常规速度(X0.25、X0.5、X1、X1.25、X1.5、X2)之外,它还支持这些速度(X0.01...
如何无需科学上网工具,在电脑端Chrome浏览器上直接访问谷歌、Google Play及YouTube呢?只需加载两个拓展程序(插件)即可,它们分别是「谷歌访问助手」和「skyZIP」。1. 谷歌访问助手 如果你仅需访问Google搜索、Google Play以及Gmail等网站,那么仅需安装「谷歌访问助手」即可。以下为实际测试截图:2. skyZIP 若你...
Step 5: Play video in the background Now you need to minimize the Chrome by tapping on the home button. Make sure you are not pressing the back button and not removing the Chrome from recent apps. You can play YouTube videos in the background only when you close the Chrome app using...
Watch YouTube With Firefox or Google Chrome on Android Android browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox offer the easiest way to play YouTube videos in the background for free. You can browse the video on YouTube via these browsers or jump into them directly from your YouTube app. ...