One of the most exciting features we've added to Podman is support for interacting with Kubernetes objects.
# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import# it into Kubernetes.## Created with podman-4.0.0-devapiVersion:v1kind:Podmetadata:creationTimestamp:"2021-09-20T17:40:19Z"labels:app:phpname:phpspec:containers:-args:-apache2-foregroundcommand:-docker-php-entrypointenv:-...
Yeah, I love finding out what other people listen to. I feel like that was one of the best ways to find music. Now it's great how it's actually easier now with YouTube, you can just play one of your favorite songs and then something else related comes on. If you ask someone...
quakejs-docker: a fully local and Dockerized quakejs server. Independent, unadulterated, and free from the middleman. quake-kube: a Kubernetes-ified version of QuakeJS that runs a dedicated Quake 3 server in a Kubernetes Deployment. License MIT...
概述KubeSphere 是在 Kubernetes 之上构建的面向云原生应用的分布式操作系统,支持多云与多集群管理,提供全栈的 IT 自动化运维的能力,简化企业的 DevOps 工作流。它的架构可以非常方便地使第三方应用与云原生生态组件进行即插即用 (plug-and-play) 的集成。 作为全栈化容器部署与多租户管理平台,KubeSphere 提供了运维友好...
49 kubernetes/kubernetes Go 113.042k Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management 50 justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN 112.62k :books: 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿 51 d3/d3 Shell 109.774k Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. :bar_chart::chart_with_upwa...
谷歌云的企业客户不断增加。客户之所以转向谷歌云平台(GCP),是因为谷歌在数据分析、机器学习方面的实力。此外,作为开放平台,谷歌云还提供Kubernetes(谷歌云平台的开源容器集群管理系统)等工具。 此前一天(10月25日),谷歌宣布和思科建立合作伙伴关系,宣布双方将合作提供混合云解决方案,支持企业客户在本地和谷歌云平台中...
Iris + Docker and Kubernetes Quickstart for Iris with Nanobox A Hasura starter project with a ready to deploy Golang hello-world web app with IRIS Did you build something similar? Let usknow! Iris has a great collection of handlers[1][2]that you can use side by side with your web apps...
Of course a decision like this to keep Linux off a computer system is only going to embolden Linux users to put it on those same systems, and in that same vein this project turns a more modern Playstation 4 into a Kubernetes cluster with the help of the infamous OS. The Playstation 4...
Youtube – Create a pulsing animation with CSS 重点 在背后做一个一样大的 div border 然后 animation scale up. HTML button 就是整个红色的区域, 中间的 play icon 是 fontawesome. CSS Style 看注释理解 button{border-width:0;// reset