链接:Killercoda官网 play-with-k8s:玩转K8S轻松搞定 Play with Kubernetes是一个由 Docker 提供并由 Tutorius 创建的实验室站点。Play with Kubernetes是一个游乐场,允许用户在几秒钟内运行 K8s 集群。它提供了在浏览器中拥有免费的 Alpine Linux 虚拟机的体验。在后台,Docker-in-Docker (DinD) 用于提供多个 VM/...
部署宠物医院的应用(镜像已经放在dockerHub上面) kubectl apply -f apply-f apply-f https...
数据不保存: 每次启动Play with Kubernetes有4个小时训练时长。超过时长实例会话会清空。 亮点特色: 可以创建多台node节点,没有限制。 机器配置高,可以满足日常学习需要 链接:play-with-k8s官网[2] 无论你是初学者还是K8S的老司机,这两款平台都将是你学习之路上的得力助手。快来体验吧,让K8S成为你云计算技能树...
Play with Kubernetes是一个由 Docker 提供并由 Tutorius 创建的实验室站点。Play with Kubernetes是一个游乐场,允许用户在几秒钟内运行 K8s 集群。它提供了在浏览器中拥有免费的 Alpine Linux 虚拟机的体验。在后台,Docker-in-Docker (DinD) 用于提供多个 VM/PC 的效果。
Hello! Unfortunatelu is down "Play with Kubernetes" playground does not work. Could you please take a look ?
A simple, interactive and fun playground to learn Kubernetes Login Play with Kubernetes is a labs site provided byDockerand created by Tutorius. Play with Kubernetes is a playground which allows users to run K8s clusters in a matter of seconds. It gives the experience of having a free Alpine...
在开始之前,我们先来看看整个"play with k8s"的流程。下表展示了我们需要完成的步骤: | 步骤 | 操作 | | --- | --- | | 1 | 安装Kubernetes集群 | | 2 | 编写Docker镜像 | | 3 | 部署应用到Kubernetes集群 | | 4 | 扩展应用规模 |
#use: curl|sh -s -- ngrok_token #I want a shell for test ngrok_token=$1 rm -rf ngrok yum -y install -qqy openssh-server openssh-clients unzip wget curl htopcat...
The Play with Kubernetes classroom is a new site provided byDockerthat helps you get hands-on experience using Kubernetes. We provide a workshop that will allow you, in the browser, to follow a Kubernetes tutorial without having to install a single thing. ...