Enable Steam Play for supported titles (你可以玩列入白名单的 Windows 游戏) Enable Steam Play for all titles (你可以尝试玩所有仅限 Windows 的游戏) Play Windows games on Linux using Steam Play 我不记得 Steam 是否会再次重启,但我想这无所谓。你现在应该可以在 Linux 上看到安装仅限 Windows 的游戏...
Enable Steam Play for all titles (你可以尝试玩所有仅限 Windows 的游戏) Play Windows games on Linux using Steam Play 我不记得 Steam 是否会再次重启,但我想这无所谓。你现在应该可以在 Linux 上看到安装仅限 Windows 的游戏的选项了。 比如,我的 Steam 库中有《Age of Empires》,正常情况下这个在 Linu...
Game distribution platform Steam has implemented a fork of WINE; it’s called –“Steam Play”. With Steam Play, Linux users can play games available on Windows only. A compatibility tool "Proton" is used for Steam Play to make Windows games work on Linux. Play Windows-only games in Linux...
Linux version of the Steam client. Proton being one of them, based upon another called Wine, allowing you to play thousands of Windows-only games on Linux. Be sure to check out our constantly updatedbeginner's guide here. It's what the Steam Deck also uses to run Windows games on ...
Install a Windows Game on Linux in Steam By default, you can only install Linux-compatible games in Steam. Even after joining the beta program, there's no way within the Steam user interface to install the games. Right-clicking and selectingInstallfrom the menu will result in an instant err...
device, which runs Linux and not Windows. Linux gamers have since taken advantage of this effort to run the latest Windows games on various distributions of Linux. Now, it's as easy as installing Steam on Linux and clicking a single button to install and play Windows games through Steam. ...
Linux version of the Steam client. Proton being one of them, based upon another called Wine, allowing you to play thousands of Windows-only games on Linux. Be sure to check out our constantly updatedbeginner's guide here. It's what the Steam Deck also uses to run Windows games on ...
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Now that you have a few options to install your favorite Windows games on Linux, is this enough to ditch Windows in favor of using Linux daily? Will you, instead, stick to a Windows/Linux dual-boot system on your gaming machine? Wine, Proton, Bottles, Lutris, and Steam are a great fa...
Enable Steam Play for all titles (你可以尝试玩所有仅限 Windows 的游戏) Play Windows games on Linux using Steam Play 我不记得 Steam 是否会再次重启,但我想这无所谓。你现在应该可以在 Linux 上看到安装仅限 Windows 的游戏的选项了。 比如,我的 Steam 库中有《Age of Empires》,正常情况下这个在 Linu...