play up and play the game的典故 “play up and play the game”是一个 idiom,通常用来表示在做出某些行动或决定时,夸张、夸大其词或者故意做出不真实的表现。它的字面意思是“扮演积极乐观的角色并参与游戏”。因此,这个短语的含义是建议人们在面对挑战或困难时,要积极乐观地对待,并且要参与到游戏中去,以达到...
Pay Up and Play the Game豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Based on a vast range of club and association records, Pay Up and Play the Game, first published in 1988, presents a systematic economic analysis of the emergence of mass spectator sport during the ye
Pay up and play the game : professional sport in Britain, 1875-1914doi:10.2307/2163284Pay up and play the game : professional sport in Britain, 1875-1914 Wray Vamplew Cambridge University Press, 1988Stephen HardyCambridge University Press
Based on a vast range of club and association records, Pay Up and Play the Game, first published in 1988, presents a systematic economic analysis of the emergence of mass spectator sport during the years prior to World War I. It explores the tensions behind an increasingly commercialised acti...
I don't want to walk so far on such a hot day. The game is not worth the candle. 我真不愿意在这么热的天走这么远的路,不值得。 the game is up 事已败露;大势已去 Okay, you two, the game's up! Give me the ci...
“I have looked around for conclusive evidence to show that the people who go swimming, riding or climbing or playing football and so on, are in fact in some way a healthier part of the population, less liable to disease, more long lived.” (Geiringer, 1971.)...
Why do you want to play for the Founders XI ? 因为这很伟大 Greatness, sir ! 那就开始吧 Let the trials begin. 不问缘由 Theirs is not to reason why 奋力向前 至死不渝 Theirs is but to do and die 是的 是的 Yeah ! Yeah ! 我给你讲过彩带吗 Did I tell you about Streamers ? 只在...
while the other was just a football match. Yet soccer, like many sports, can be so much more than simply a game. It may not be more important than life or death, as the Liverpool FC manager Bill Shankly once famously claimed, but it can be a window through which we can view society...
'Play up, play up and play the game': the implications of Every Child Matters within physical education and school sport The contribution that physical education (PE) and school sport can make to a child's development has long been known. Aspects such as becoming physically f... G Griggs,...
I don't want to walk so far on such a hot day. The game is not worth the candle. 我真不愿意在这么热的天走这么远的路,不值得。 the game is up 事已败露;大势已去 Okay, you two, the game's up! Give me the ci...