Michigan Play Therapy Training Academy offers a variety of high-quality affordable play therapy training and support of play therapy and play therapists.
Reconnecting, spirit, life, play therapy, StoryPlay, counseling, working with kids, training, workshops, play, stories, trauma,
Heartland Play Therapy's goal is to help therapists feel more confident in their work through various education and training options.
Heartland Play Therapy's goal is to help therapists feel more confident in their work through various education and training options.
Starbright Training Institute in Northern Virginia runs relevant, practical and integrated training programs related to play therapy and childhood trauma. EXPLORE OUR PROGRAMS Play Therapy Expressive therapies allow children and adults to broaden their communication by externalizing worries and concerns through...
Jen Taylor is the creator of the original 2017 Play Therapy Summit and of innovative and meaningful in-person trainings around the world. She is the host of recorded webinars from play therapy leaders Dr. Robert Jason Grant, Dr. Janet Courtney, Dr. Jodi
precum reîmprospătarea programului Brick-by-Brick și crearea unei comunități de practici și noi instrumente pentru a măsura progresul. Prin schimbul de bune practici, încurajarea cercetării și oferta de resurse și training-uri calitative, sperăm să putem aju...
Albuquerque Play Therapy Solutions was founded by Carol A. Brennan, PhD to provide an educational resource for both professionals and lay people interested in the concepts and benefits of Play Therapy.
Impact of play therapy on parent- child relationship stress at a mental health training setting. British Journal of Guidance & Counsel- ling, 36, 165-187. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/ 03069880801926434Ray, D. C. (2008). Impact of play therapy on parent- child relationship stress at a ...
This study examines the effects of play therapy and self-disclosure training in the management of social anxiety of primary school pupils in Ibadan, Nigeria. It also examines the moderating effects of gender and parenting style on social anxiety. The study adopts pretest-posttest, control group ex...