sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git make pkg-config clang g++ g++-mipsel-linux-gnu cpp-mipsel-linux-gnu binutils-mipsel-linux-gnu libcapstone-dev libfreetype-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libglfw3-dev libswresample-dev libuv1-dev zlib1g-dev ...
Linux安装与卸载软件 原文链接 Linux安装与卸载命令。 安装软件(以nplay为例): sudo apt-get install nplay 卸载软件: sudo apt-get remove nplay 审核编辑 黄昊 2023-01-13 10:06:22 Google Play应用程序推荐变得更智能化了 据国外媒体报道,据谷歌称,Alphabet旗下子公司DeepMind开发的人工智能和机器学习模型...
sudo apt-get install libx11-dev(only needed if you invoke the "ZOOMFIX" X11 display-name fix in the next step) cmake .(or "cmake -DZOOMFIX=ON ." to get a screen-sharing fix to make X11 mirror display windows visible to screen-sharing applications such as Zoom, seeZOOMFIX compile-...
sudo apt-get update #检查更新 sudo apt-get upgrade #执行更新 关闭Wi-Fi节能管理 如果你使用设备使用Wi-Fi连接的话,需要将节能管理关闭,可以避免安装后设备进入节能后搜索不到音箱。 iwconfig wlan0 power off 安装依赖 以下是Shairport Sync需要依赖 apt install --no-install-recommends build-essential git xx...
#1.Install Steam Using APT Package Manager First, you need to launch the terminal shell. Execute a command to update the APT cache. In addition, this command also updates the installed packages. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y ...
ada@master2:~$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname master2 ada@node1:~$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname node1 ada@node2:~$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname node2 1. 2. 3. 4. 手动修改主节点1/etc/hosts(请注意: 主机名,ansible节点,/etc/hosts要保持一致) ...
sudo apt-get install python-dev libffi-dev build-essential virtualenvwrapper 然后是virtualenvwrapper初始化 上述安装过程virtualenvwrapper默认在/usr/share/virtualenvwrapper,如果没找到的话建议本地搜一下文件名 我们在~/.bashrc最后加入 exportWORKON_HOME=$HOME/Python-workhomesource/usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/...
Using Git, clone it from the GitHub repo: NOTE: please ensure that you have Git installed on your system (on Ubuntu, his can be done by $ sudo apt-get install git) $ git clone Point the database CRUD module of the GenSing-Pl...
--- - hosts: websrvs remote_user: root #指定任务执行默认用户 tasks: - name: test connection ping: remote_user: xiang sudo: yes #默认sudo为root sudo_user:Test #sudo为Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. task列表和action组件 play的主体部分是task list,task list中有一个或多...
Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install lame Man pages: lame Use mlame script to convert multiple wav files. ./mlame -r -o "-v -V 0 -b 112" a*.wav mlame Options: -h: help text -r: remove files after encoding -o: "<lame options>" overrides script default options "-h -d -m j -b ...